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Top 10 April Fools Prank😂

Published on Dec 27, 2015

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Did you ever want to prank your friends and family really hard?Well you found the right article.Read on to hear amazing ways to prank your friends and family.

Photo by lovecatz

#1 Jelly Doorknob
Take some petroleum Jelly and put it under a door knob so when someone twists the doorknob they are gonna be so grossed out.

Photo by hellabella

#2 Fake Bugs
When your buddy is sleeping take some fake bugs and put some on him when he wakes up he will jump.

Photo by Greg Walters

#3 Fake outlet
Go on Google images and find a outlet then print it out then tape it to the wall.

#4 Shaving cream bomb
Get a bag of chips then fill it with shaving cream.Take your bag of chips and put it under a door when you hear your buddy coming stomp on the bag of chips.

Photo by Chris Yarzab

#5 Broken car app for your phone.
Go on the App Store or the Play store then download a app on your phone that's called destroyed car.

Photo by mondopiccolo

#6 Firecracker war wake up prank.
Put some firecrackers in a pot when your buddy's sleeping put the pot right next to then light the firecrackers.
WARNING:Be careful make sure nothing flammable is near bye.

Photo by nudelbach

#7 Spilled drink prank
Melt some hot-glue sticks pour your hot-glue on wax paper then grab a cup and put it on the hot glue then let it dry.Don't forget to add food coloring

Photo by Wrote

#8 Broken Egg prank
Melt hot-glue sticks take some wax paper pour the hot glue on the wax paper take some egg shells put it on the hot glue grab a lighter and melt the wax on the yellow crayon then let it dry.

#9 Broken nose prank
Grab a hard food and put it on both sides of your cheeks then go up to someone and move your nose left or right then crunch the hard food at the same time.

#10 Salty sugar cookies
Take a sugar cookie then put salt all over it. So when someone eats it they are going to spit it out.

Photo by myshadow768