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Top Ten

Published on Mar 17, 2016

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Photo by Michael.M

#10: Burping
The organ that is responsible for getting rid of burping is the throat. When food or something is ate it slides down your esophagus that leads from the throat to your stomach and at the end of the line, a set of strong muscles called spnicter muscles, controls what get into the stomach door and what doesn't.

#9: Fungi
The organ that causes this is sweat glands immune system. Fungi can grow in your feet, it makes you feet itch, yeast is the smallest fungi. Yeast cells produce quickly, dividing into two, than four, than eight yeast cells...until they have created quite the crowd. In this quick division, without yeast there would be no wine, no beer, and no fluffy bread.

#8: Scabs
The organ responsible for this is the blood vessel and the skin. You need scabs to help your skin heel and to help stop your bleeding.

Photo by Editor B