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tornadoes by peyton

Published on Apr 30, 2018

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By Peyton

table of contetens

  • intro
  • how it forms
  • facts
  • safty first
  • damege
  • what tornadoes bring

Hi guys I'm going to be teaching you a lot about tornadoes by the end you will be a pro. Well what are we waiting for, lets go learn about tornadoes . See you at the end!

A tornado is a storm but not just any storm a really scary and dangerous. A tornado is a storm that has i spinning tube called a super cell it brings a lot pf fast wind.

Photo by shawnzrossi

Hi guys I'm going to be teaching you a lot about tornadoes by the end you will be a pro. Well what are we waiting for, lets go learn about tornadoes . See you at the end!

It starts to form by at the golf of mexico it forms a tiny funnel cloud the fast winds blow it down to Canada then to here or a round here. on the top the wind is blowing one and on the bottom the wind is blowing one way

From the ground you see a super cell with a fast spinning center sending it down to the ground that is how a tornado forms. It is a long
process it could take hours for it to form the picture is a super cell.

Photo by minds-eye

If the end of the tube touches the ground that is when a tornado starts. In 1997, 720 tornadoes were record. A tornado comes with hot and cold weather very very fast winds. Tornadoes cause a lot of damage and reck a lot of things

Photo by courosa

The highest chance of tornadoes are in June . a storm sucks up the warm and humid air . then the humid air rises up the moisture makes it rain . the cool air down to the ground but it has to pass the hot air when it happens. That create the spnnining tube.

About 800 tornadoes are caught every year wow there is a place called Tornado ally. It is mostly in the middle of the USA. Those countrys have a lot of plains which tornadoes like Texas and Nebraska are 2 places in tornadoe ally .

Photo by Lucy Chian

Go to your basement immediately when there is a tornado happening. Do not go to a place with windows. If you do not have a basement then go to a bath room or pantry. Get a kit with food batteries, flash light food for your pet.

Tornadoes look like they are sucking up things but it is actual the wind. To create a tornado it needs 3 things, moisture, temperature and wind. if it makes things fly that is when the damage could happen.

The most tornadoes occur in the middle of the country. One tornado may cause another and then a family could begin. Tornadoes are the most violent storms you should be listening for tornado warning and sierns.

Photo by PhotoJunkie!

When tornadoes come do not panic. The sky's will turn dark greenish and it will make a loud roar like a train.

I hope you learned a lot about tornadoes but mostly that you learned about being safe and prepared for a tornado. the are the worst storm. Hope you enjoyed!

Photo by minnepixel