Torture is a widely debated topic in our society.
- Torture is a widely debated topic in today's society.
- Torture has been practiced by humans for thousands of years.
- Traditionally used as a form of capital punishment.
- Inflicted to either publicly shame the person or as a form of execution.
- Shaming caused discomfort and was used as a message for other civilians
- In a way it is the old world's version of community service
- William Wallace
- Dragged naked through the streets.
- Disemboweled than beheaded.
- His head was hung from the bridge to the King's castle. Than his arms and legs were sent to the four corners of England.
- The more brutal methods of torture were saved for rebels, thieves, and murderers.
- The more serious the crime the more brutal the punishment.
The Brazen Bull or the Sicilian Bull
- Torture is still a widely used tactic across the world largely due to the war on terror across the globe.
- According to the United States Senate annual human rights report torture is practiced in over 100 countries on five continents.
- In the modern world it is much less brutal and is referred to as enhanced interrogation.
- The Central. Intelligence. Agency has had an enhanced interrogation program since 1946 called the SOA
- The main purpose was to prevent a tragedy like Pearl Harbor from every happening again.
- As the Cold War began the S.O.A taught these interrogation methods to South American Nations in order to prevent the spread of communism
- This unintentionally spread the use of torture.
- The methods used cause the detainee to experience psychological distress with no permanent physical damage.
- The methods are water boarding, sensory overload, sensory deprivation, and extreme climate exposure.
- Torture is supposed to be outlawed in the modern world.
- Liberal leaders see the practice as beneath a civilized society.
- It also provides sympathy for terrorists groups within small countries who hear lies of the evil Westerners.
Senator John McCaine is a outspoken advocate to ban torture due to suffering brutal torture in the Vietnam war
- More liberal members of the government alone with reporters claim that torture is barbaric and should be banned.
- Republican members of government alone with both current and former C.I.A employees claim that the report released by the Senate is biased and untruthful.
- Enhanced interrogation has produced useful confessions from known terrorists that have been helpful in the capture and killing of those who planned the September 11th attacks.
- It is also looked down upon across the world and damages the image of America.
- Some of the possible solutions put forth are to allow detainees access to the outside world such as email and phones.
- Also to make torture a punishable crime across the world.
- My opinion is that we should continue the enhanced interrogation program in order to acquire information on high value targets.
From the examples I have given you can easily see why torture is one of the most controversial topics of our time.