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Towards Independence

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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French and Indian War

In 1775, Britain sent 1,400 soldiers To Virginia to finish what George

Washington had started.
Photo by mikebaird

The French and Indian WAR

Lasted for as long as seven years.

In 1763, Britain and FRance

signed a peace treaty which ended the French and Indian War.


Photo by hometownzero

The french and indian war.

The Proclamation of 1763 started right after 
Photo by hometownzero

George III tried to stop the natives and colonists from killing each other

So George III made a proclamation line across the Appalachian Mountains.

The Stamp Act

The British Government had a large dept left over from

The French and Indian War.
Photo by jev55

To make up for all the dept the british government made a new act called

 The Stamp Act. This act taxed the colonists every time they used paper.

The colonist protested against this act

and argued that parliament had no right to tax them.
Photo by My Hourglass

After months of protesting

Parliament canceled the Stamp Act.
Photo by Steve Rhodes

The Quartering Act

The quartering act started in 1765.

This act was placed through out the 13 colonies.

The quartering act was a chance for british soldiers to stay in a

colonists home and be pampered with what ever the soldier needed.
Photo by bill barber

This was also a sneaky way to tax the colonists.

Buying food and supplies for soldiers means buying things with taxes.
Photo by VinothChandar

The Townshend Act

On 1767 Townshend persuaded Parliament to pass

The Townshend Act.
Photo by proper dave

The new law placed a tax on certain goods the colonies

imported from Britain.
Photo by Kol Tregaskes

These imported goods were glass,paint,paper and tea

Photo by Chrisseee

Later on townshend

caught the flu and died.
Photo by Ruud Hilgeman

The Boston Massacre

on 1768 the government sent troops to set order

in Boston.

on march 5, 1770 The boston MASSACRE started with a small snowball

 fight and ended with 5 Bostonians dead
Photo by 5telios

The colonists insulting the british troops discovered a valuable lesson.

Don't mess with men who are armed.
Photo by Scott*

The Tea ACt

On 1773 a new law passed down

and the colonists were nervous. It was called the Tea act.
Photo by joelwillis

The british thought lowering the tea price was enough to fool the colonists

But, the colonists were not fooled.
Photo by Leo Reynolds

THe colonists later dressed up at night as mohawk indians.

They then went towards the shipping ships and dumped the tea.
Photo by djwudi

The Intolerable acts

Due to dumping more than 90,000 pounds of tea the british government passed

down a new series of laws these laws were called the Intolerable Acts.
Photo by @Doug88888

These sets of laws punished colonists for dumping the tea and believe

me when I say the punishments were horrible.

so old george  III thought that the colonists were going to give

in to British authority. But, they didn't...