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Published on Nov 19, 2015




  • How I would use TPACK
  • I would practice TPACK in the classroom teaching English and having an Ipad for each student to use. Instead of students writing notes I would let students record their notes as a voice recording. For Projects I would ask students to keep a video log, for communication students would use a wiki page to share ideas.
Photo by David T Jones

I would use TPACK in Maths through apps that run with guiding words, teaching as students go through the game. I would use technology to teach the students simple equations, to count, times tables and lots more!

Photo by David T Jones

Using TPACK based teaching in the classroom instead of traditional teaching (Pen and paper) will let students work with mind mapping, Mathletics, reading eggs, literacy planet, apps and learning programs.

Technology is changing on a daily basis and most technology used in the classroom was not designed for education.
As student teachers I will adapt these technologies for safe learning. Through re-thinking lessons, teachers are able to incorporate technologies into the lesson to further students learning experience. You can do this with Wiki’s, blogs, apps, programs and so much more. The teacher’s creativity and willingness is the only boundary.

Photo by wbeem

"Too cool for school" opened my mind to different ways of re-purposing technology for the classroom like microblogging, using specialized search engines and the use of DJ mixer. All these technology based programs can assist teaching in mathematics, science, English and more. This can be great for project based learning (PBL) letting students come up with solutions for problems through digital technologies. All these programs can be use in a lesson.

Photo by jurvetson

Project Base Learning


Students find project base learning inspiring, motivating and fun because the problem they try to fix are relatable to them or is a great current day concept that intrigues them.

Photo by Mylla

There are 8 essential Problem based learning scaffold;
1. Significant content (making it meaningful),
2. A need to know (learn about the problem),
3. A driving question (give purpose and challenges),
4. Student voice and choice (gives meaningful feeling to students),
5. 21st century skills (meaningful work for the present),
6. Inquiry and innovation (research students own questions),
7. Feedback and revision,
8. A publicly presented product. Creating an authentic audience.

These steps ensure students are taking control of their own learning and use technology to do it. If student’s follow these 8 scaffolds constructing their solutions, they will gain a greater understanding of the subject content. The use of technology in the 8 essential PBL scaffold will deepen the students understanding in the thoughts and research reaching their conclusion, therefore being able to explain how they came to the solution.

Photo by 21innovate


Subsitution Aumgantaion, Modification, Repurpous 

Computer technology is used to perform the same task as was done before the use of computers.on

Computer Technology offers an effective tool to perform common tasks.

This is the first step over the line between enhancing the traditional goings-on of the classroom and transforming the classroom. Common classroom tasks are being accomplished through the use of computer technology.

Photo by gothick_matt

Computer technology allows for new tasks that were previously inconceivable.

Photo by blmiers2

Using the SMAR model will implement computer technologies through teaching. This teaching model will help students engage in their learning and combines with content that needs to be learnt.

Photo by eGuidry