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Trace Evidence

Published on Nov 22, 2015

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Trace Evidence

By: Justin Samuels and Natalie Herklotz

Make up: Talk to a cosmetologist. They could tell us the brand and color.

Twist tie: A grocer could tell us what the twist tie came off of and what the killer bought.

A Piece of Gum: A Gum manufacturer could tell us the flavor of gum and the producer of the gum.

The Tip of Colored Pencil: A colored pencil manufacturer could tell us the type of colored pencil and what company made it.

Copper Wire: An electrician could tell us what the copper wire could be used for and possibly the manufactuter

Toe Nail Clipping: A nail salon employee could tell us if these nails were kept or unkept. Also which toe it came from and the shape of the toe.

Hair Strand: A hair salon employee could tell us the color and the length. Also possibly whether it came from a male or female.

Piece of Wood: A carpenter could tell us the type of wood and the age of it.

Match: An arson specialist could tell us the type of match and how long it burned for.

Wax: A candle maker could tell us the type of wax and what it is used in.

Red Powdery Spice: A chef could tell us what the powder is and also what foods the powder is used in.

Wood Shaving: A carpenter could tell us the type of wood and also the type of knife or device used to shave the wood.

Bead: A jeweler could tell us what the bead is made of and also what jewelry it could have come from.

Button: A tailor could tell us what the button is made of and also possibly what article of clothing it came from.