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Transnational Corporations

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Dispersed Production Networks

TNCs operate in more than one country
Photo by Photos.com

TNCs "are firms that have the power to coordinate and control operations in more than one country, even if it does not own them"

Photo by marsmet547

Takes advantage of geographical differences

in natural resources, labour, state policies, markets...
Photo by ntr23

Potential market of consumers

  • Large size of markets
  • Affluence of market
  • Accessibility of markets
  • Cater to local preferences
Photo by Brad Scruse

Labour characteristics

  • Knowledge & skills
  • Wage costs
  • Labour productivity
  • Labour 'controllability'
  • Labour mobility
Photo by atomiclizard

Industrial clusters

Potential Geographical Flexibility

Ability to switch and re-switch resources

Soaring Chinese wages

What does this mean for global manufacturing?
Photo by domit

The end of cheap China?

Largest global companies are TNCs

Large employment numbers in all sectors of the economy

Untitled Slide

Firms with a profit-making strategy

The revenue of some TNCs are greater than the GDP of many countries
Photo by 401(K) 2013

Not all profits are created equal?

Photo by net_efekt

Some TNCs are diverse

Unilever has over 400 brands
Photo by Esthr

Untitled Slide


Why do companies transnationalize? What are the benefits/risks?
Photo by Joybot