Trauma Informed Education
- According to Gabor Mate, all of us have been affected by trauma (refer to Kilinic toolkit p.5)
- Not the same for everyone
- Trauma is not destiny; can be changed
Manitoba Data 2012:
- 33% increase in newcomers
- Children incare grown from 1.9% to 3.5% since 2001
- 1 in 2 First Nations children live in poverty
- Food insecurity 11% in MB
- 12 - 22% children in MB live in poverty
- What are they?
- How do they affect students?
- Video
- Reflect on how many ACE's are present for you
Take a moment and think about a student who may have 3-4 or more of these ACE factors and how that might impact their behaviour/learning, manifest in the classroom...
"The kid who has experienced trauma is not trying to push your buttons."
Kids who have been through trauma worry about what's going to happen next
Even if the situation doesn't seem that bad to you, it's how the child feels that matters
Trauma isn't always associated with violence
You don't need to know exactly what caused the trauma to be able to help
You can support kids with trauma even when they're outside your classroom
It's ok to ask kids point-blank what you can do to help them make it through the day
Self-regulation can be a major challenge for students suffering from trauma
Kids who experienced trauma need to feel they're good at something and can influence the world
There's a direct connection between stress and learning
Effects of Trauma in the Classroom:
- increase bad behaviour
- decrease in trusting relationships/hard to connect
- Absenteeism
- No cares
- P. 12 - 13 Heart of Teaching
- No effect
Untitled Slide
- Viewing trauma as an injury shifts the conversation from asking, "what is wrong with you?" to, "what has happened to you?" https://
What does trauma look like?