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Treatment of Arab and Muslim Women

Published on Mar 17, 2016

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Treatment of Arab and Muslim Women

Maddie Hulcy, Kyla Freeman, Ryosuke Narita, Luke Raetzman

Women's Rights Before Islam

  • Was a patriarchal society before the rise of Islam
  • Women also had several rights that other regions didn't allow such as: inheritance of property, being able to divorce, and engage in businesses.
  • Women also had several rights that other regions didn't allow such as: inheritance of property, being able to divorce, and engage in businesses.
Photo by OXLAEY.com

How Islam Values Protected Women

  • They were not portrayed as property of their men but individuals with rights
  • Muhammed was kind and generous towards his wives resulting in an influence on men to their wives
  • Women were equal to men under religious terms
  • The Quran directed dowries to the brides instead of the grooms
Photo by hey tiffany!

How Islam Limited Women

  • Law of Sharia reinforced male dominance
  • Restricted the freedom that women had, such as social and sexual interactions
  • The sharia allowed men to have multiple wives, while women could only have one husband
Photo by D-Stanley

The Veiling of Women

  • Muslims adopted the long-standing tradition when they expanded into the Byzantine and Sasanid empires
  • Upper-class urban women veiled themselves and only travelled with chaperones as a sign of modesty
  • Discouraged attention of men from other families
  • Constant symbol of male authority