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Trends and Movement

Published on Jul 23, 2017

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Trends and Movement

In the 21st Century Classroom 

Different trends in the classroom

  • Classroom Management systems
  • Digital Books
  • Social Media
  • Google Tools and Educational Apps
  • From Delivery to Exploration

Impact on Teaching and Learning

  • Classroom management systems allow student and teachers access to the class at any time during the day. They have the ability to access it through most devices.
  • Good for students that are very active in extra curricular activities and tend to miss class occasionally.

Digital Books

  • The use of digital books makes their devices a Swiss Army knife for the classroom.
  • No more buying text books.
  • Cheaper for school district.
  • They do lack physical resources teachers like to use during their lessons but do offer their own on-line resources.

Social Media

  • Collaboration is big in the workforce today. With the use of social Media students and teachers can communicate easier in order to collaborate even more effectively.
Photo by mkhmarketing

Google Tools and Educational Apps

  • Google Apps is great for students and teachers to take advantage of.
  • It gives them the ability to keep everything in one location.
  • Easier to share things and collaborate.
  • It would be good if all teachers would be on the same classroom management system and use the same apps in order to establish a unified learning system.

From Delivering to Exploring

  • I have changed through my years from being a teacher that lectures to one that guides by letting students explore.
  • Lectures are based off of questions and the students tend to be more engaged.
  • Like when you are coaching a sport and just because you tell the athlete how to do something doesn't mean they understand it. It is when you watch them do it then you can provide feedback on how they are performing.
  • I believe this is good for classroom management and letting the students take charge of their learning.
Photo by heraldpost


  • Technology is allowing students to be more interactive in the classroom.
  • Some students don't flourish with technology but by implementing it in the classroom they are learning a tool that will help them in the future.
  • I see students more engaged when focused on a specific objective.
  • The use of technology should be a tool to help better understand growth of knowledge.
Photo by smaedli


  • In my government class I have students make videos that best represents the Bill of Rights Amendments. After they submit them to me I show the class each video and they have to write down what Amendment the video connects with. The students seem to get into the creating of the video.
  • World History has to create a movie trailer over Imperialism and then have a storyboard of their explorer. Assigning them a video and story board allows them to manage with in a group and collaborating together in order for the storyboard and video connect together.
Photo by hackNY