How to find the courage and the strength to live a meaningful life, even if you feel like, your life is over. Whether that means progressing in your career, getting your relationships back on track, or simply not living in pain anymore.
How to turn your pain into your purpose, even if your pain is unbearable.
How to heal, and feel whole again, or reignite your excitement for life, even if right now you feel too weak to even try.
Turning your tragedy into triumph, even if that seems impossible right now.
Is your relationship with God, family, and friends at an all-time low and while you want to fix it deep down, you just can’t summon the energy to do so?
Is your health declining because you can't eat, sleep or exercise?
Do you wish more than anything that life could go back to how it used to be, but you know there’s no way that can happen?
I am an international speaker and author, known as the dragon slayer. My mandate is to help people overcome the 3 dragons in life, called worry, doubt, and fear.
I specialize in helping my clients overcome the biggest dragon of them all, which is death and bereavement.
On November 21, 2011, I lost my son James. He was a football star at his high school. James left the house one day and never returned.
3 days later, a police officer knocked on my door and told me that they found my son’s body hanging from a tree in front of our local mall. Our family suspected that it was murder instead of suicide but we had no proof.
A Sandalwood High School student that attended James' funeral was very said about what happend to James and he commited suicide about a week later. A short while later, another student in the same school commited suicide. Three (3) young men from the same school are dead. The cause of my son's death is still unresolved, not knowing what really happened to him further adds to our pain.
A year after my son's death, I lost my brother, a year after that, I lost my grandmother, and a year after that, I lost my Aunty. This is how my painful journey began.
There are 5 key healing shifts you must make to overcome loss and bereavement and find hope, meaning and purpose for living.
I’m going to walk you through all 5 of them on this session.
After the passing of my son James, I kept on searching for him the streets, as I drove my car. I was there at his funeral and burial, yet it didn't deter me from stoping my car whenever I saw someone who looked like him.
Step #1 The old way fills the head with information and keeps you in an endless cycle of depression. The new way fills the heart with hope and guides you on the path to healing.
Step #2 The old way is learning the 5 stages of grief. The new way takes you beyond knowledge into the application of wisdom. You are supported by people who have gone through it before.
Step #3 The old way does operation on the head. The new way does operation on the heart.
Step #4 The old way keeps your focus inward on your pain, but the new way shifts your focus outward which speeds up your healing process, providing the desperately needed relief.
Example #1 Its like walking pass a burning car with a mother and child trapped inside. While trying to help the mother and baby escape, you naturally lay your personal pain aside to help. In this program we teach you to lay your pain down gradually and naturally.
It's like having a bleeding neck and riding horse pull wagon at 10KL per hour to get your emergency surgery instead of riding an ambulance at an 100KL per hour.
You can be in counselling for one or two years and make little to no progress or you can choose the new way and be on your way to recovery and healing.
If you were going to climb Mount Everest, would you choose a geography teacher who has never climb it before or choose a guide who has led many people up and down Mount Everest successfully many times.
Does it makes sense to continue to suffer year after year with little or no progress or start making significant breakthrough by learning and implementing the 5 Healing Shifts today.
My team and I have set aside some time in the next 48 hours to speak to you personally about how you can applying these healing shifts to your unique circumstances starting today.
Whatever your biggest challenges are we have seen it before and we will help overcome it.
We will get on the phone for about 45 minutes. On this session we will work with you to craft a step by step game plan to advance your healing process, and bring you new hope, and strength to live again.