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Slide Notes

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Published on Nov 18, 2015

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  • Hydro tropism
  • Phototropism
  • Thigmotropism
  • Geotropism
Photo by Jsome1


  • This is wear the tree or plants roots go down under the water and always have water to get to. So their trunk starts to hang out over the water because the roots are curled so that is how the tree grows.


  • Geotropism is where the tree or plants roots grow to the side or down due to the respect of the gravity force.
  • As you can see in this picture the tree roots are wavy because of the way the gravity force is on them it has grown with the roots up and down like hills.


  • Thigmotropism is where the plant grows around an item like in this picture the tree grew around a light post and is now stuck that way.


  • Phototropism is where the plant grows towards the sunlight because it gets so much sunlight on one side like in this picture and it is going to stay that way until it dies or falls off.


  • Thigmotropism is where the plant grows around an item like in this picture the tree grew around a light post and is now stuck that way.


  • Phototropism is where the plant grows towards the sunlight because it gets so much sunlight on one side like in this picture and it is going to stay that way until it dies or falls off.


  • This is wear the tree or plants roots go down under the water and always have water to get to. So their trunk starts to hang out over the water because the roots are curled so that is how the tree grows.


  • Geotropism is where the tree or plants roots grow to the side or down due to the respect of the gravity force.
  • As you can see in this picture the tree roots are wavy because of the way the gravity force is on them it has grown with the roots up and down like hills.