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Tuck Everlasting

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Tuck Everlasting
Madison Reynolds

Photo by Theen ...

Jesse Tuck
Adventurous " Just think of all the things we've seen in the world. All we're going to see."

Photo by R∂lf (busy)

Mae Tuck sad
"We don't deserve no blessing if it is a blessing."

Photo by melburnian

Winnie is confused on way Mae tried to kill the man in yellow suit, she is confused by if Mae did it for selfish reasons or not.

Photo by mugley

Winnie Foster shock
She was not expecting for the tucks, who kidnapped her, to be kind.

Photo by Jack Amick

Tuck depressed
Tuck is sad that he will never grow old or die.

Tuck man vs. society
" if people know about the spring down in Tree Gap, they'd come running like pigs to slops. They'd trample each other, trying to get some of that water"

The man in the yellow suit was trying to take the water from the Tucks and use them as slaves. Man vs. man

Photo by Theomania61

The Tucks and Winnie were sitting in the parol eating pancakes, she told them she wanted to go home, but Tuck told her they are going to the pond.

After the Tucks told Winnie about the spring, in the woods, they decided they trusted her and take her home with them.

Photo by skoeber

Mae Tuck is extremely excited about her sons coming home, while her husband doesn't care, she rides out to meet them.

Tuck is trying to make Winnie understand that living forever is horrible, and at the very end she understands why it is.

Photo by oneiroi

The man in the yellow suit goes to the constable, he and the constable start to ride to the Tuck's house.

Photo by stevecadman

Winnie and Jesse plan to help Mae escape, and Jesse hands Winnie a bottle full of water from the spring.

Photo by [ S H A M S ]

Miles and Winnie go fishing, they caught a fish, and Winnie said to let it go, then the man in the yellow suit comes to take Winnie.

Winnie comes back home, and her parents will not believe that she wasn't kidnapped.

Photo by marimoon

Winnie helped Mae escape, Jesse reminds Winnie about the water, Winnie feels sad about the Tucks leaveing.

And that would have been a disaster so immense that the Earth, owned or not to its fiery core, would have trembled on its axis like a beetle in a pin. Simile.

Photo by Cyril-Rana!!

The pond's got answers. Personification

Photo by gharness

His eyes were closed now, but except for that, he looked more like a marionette, a marionette flung carelessly into a corner, arms and legs every which way tangled strings.