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Tundra Snow

Published on Mar 16, 2016

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Tundra Snow

By Kenneth Ortega

Located in northern hemisphere in places like alaska, canada, russia and iceland and in the southern hemisphere in antarctica.

with a temperature around -18 F

Photo by salendron

ANimal Life

  • Polar Bear
  • Caribou
  • Moose
  • Snowy Owl
  • Aric Fox
  • Musk Ox
  • White Wolf
  • Artic Hare
  • Rock Ptarmigan
  • Canadian goose
Photo by efilpera

The ground is covered in a layer of permafrost.


  • Arctic Moss
  • Bearberry
  • Labrador Tea
  • Caribou Moss
  • Artic Willow
Photo by jbtello2