THE AFTERMATH Tut's wife, recently widowed, wrote to the Hittite king Suppiluliuma, asking if she could marry one of his sons. The letters do not say anything about howTut died. In the message, Ankhesenamun says that she was very afraid, but would not take one of her own people as husband. However, the son was killed before reaching his new wife.
AFTERMATH CONTINUED Shortly afterward, Aye married Tut's widow and became Pharaoh, as a war was fought between the two countries, and Egypt was left defeated. The fate of Ankesenamun (Aye's wife he married to become the royal wife, leaving his wife of more than 4o years)is not known, but she disappeared from record and Aye's second wife Tey became Great Royal Wife.
AFTERMATH CONT'D CONT'D After Aye's death, Horemheb the throne and instigated a campaign of discriminating against all of the others: Aye, Tey, King Tut, Even Tut's family wasn't spared.
AFTERMATH CONT'D CONT'D CONT'D Horemheb was left childless and had to give up the throne to paramessu. And thats why not only Tut's death was significant but what happened after of his death.