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King tut his full name was Tutankhamen his inner tomb was made of 110kg of solid gold, it was valued at seven hundred and fifty million dollars. Have you ever stop and wondered how Tut's tomb was discovered and who discovered it ? We'll you're in luck because I'm going to tell you about it. Howard Carter was eager to find TuT's tomb the last time he tried he was not so successful but this time was going to be different.in the year of 1922 a water boy moving his water bottle at stumbled upon it , there it was it read Tutankhamen. His Tomb was suppose to be kept and untouched for all of humanity , but this boy king tomb had a curse some say. The bird of Mr.Carter had been killed by a Cobra, when they opened Tut's coffin there was a mark on his cheek. Earl had died 1 year after the opened the coffin people think this theory isn't true because Howard lived, till a good age and the the water boy lived till a ripe old age. Valley of the Kings was the new Kingdom and where the ancient Egyptians buried there Kings this would make it harder for tomb robbers too locate the exact resting place of the King . Can cut had a sister Ankhesenamun and his dad was by Akhenaten , the city . King Tut's Tomb was a tomb that may have said to be to have the most treasures. King Tut was the youngest king and he Died at 18 years old TUT's was very in a tomb that was related to the status. Is dad what many have occurred unexpectedly, before the completion of a grand Royal tomb, so that his mommy was buried in a tomb intended for someone else this would preserve the observation of customary. 70 days between death and burial king touch mommy still it's 4 o'clock rest in this tomb in the Valley of Kings on November 4, 2000 785-year-old to the day after Carter's discovery the 18-year-old boy King went on in his underground tombs at Luxor, when the linen wrapped mommy was removed from his golden sarcophagus to climate control glass box the case was designed to prevent he didn't rate decompose.
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Published on Nov 22, 2015

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  • King TUT's tomb
  • The curse of TUT's tomb
  • How it was discovered
  • Who discovered TUT's tomb ?
  • Valley of the kings
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King tut his full name was Tutankhamen his inner tomb was made of 110kg of solid gold, it was valued at seven hundred and fifty million dollars. Have you ever stop and wondered how Tut's tomb was discovered and who discovered it ? We'll you're in luck because I'm going to tell you about it. Howard Carter was eager to find TuT's tomb the last time he tried he was not so successful but this time was going to be different.in the year of 1922 a water boy moving his water bottle at stumbled upon it , there it was it read Tutankhamen. His Tomb was suppose to be kept and untouched for all of humanity , but this boy king tomb had a curse some say. The bird of Mr.Carter had been killed by a Cobra, when they opened Tut's coffin there was a mark on his cheek. Earl had died 1 year after the opened the coffin people think this theory isn't true because Howard lived, till a good age and the the water boy lived till a ripe old age. Valley of the Kings was the new Kingdom and where the ancient Egyptians buried there Kings this would make it harder for tomb robbers too locate the exact resting place of the King . Can cut had a sister Ankhesenamun and his dad was by Akhenaten , the city . King Tut's Tomb was a tomb that may have said to be to have the most treasures. King Tut was the youngest king and he Died at 18 years old TUT's was very in a tomb that was related to the status. Is dad what many have occurred unexpectedly, before the completion of a grand Royal tomb, so that his mommy was buried in a tomb intended for someone else this would preserve the observation of customary. 70 days between death and burial king touch mommy still it's 4 o'clock rest in this tomb in the Valley of Kings on November 4, 2000 785-year-old to the day after Carter's discovery the 18-year-old boy King went on in his underground tombs at Luxor, when the linen wrapped mommy was removed from his golden sarcophagus to climate control glass box the case was designed to prevent he didn't rate decompose.
Photo by jparise

aNCient purpose

  • Embalming the body  
  • Eternal  body of  Pharaoh's 
  • Not  to be disturbed  
  • The Field of Reeds 
  • Death Tressures 
The Egyptians they didn't just stop when you've passed or died moved on to the next one their bodies how to be present for this world most kings bodies were present A preserved. Body is called a mummified body the body begins to decompose in order to prevent a body from decomposing it is necessary to. Deprive the tissues oxygen. The most recent Egyptians bury their kings or pharaoh in shallow pits in the desert before the new Kingdom most of the pharaohs bodies were. Buried in a pyramid but, this was a big marketing place for tomb robbers. The hot dry sand remove moisture from the dead bodies and created a natural mummy, however the Egyptians discovered that if the body was first placed in the coffin it would not be preserved. In order to ensure the body was the ancient Egyptians began to use a process called mummification this involved in in embalming the body and covering it in thin strips of linen . in a chamber with all their treasures
Photo by tiffa130

How it's madE

  • Mummy's 
  • Supplies need  
  • Inside the body 
  • The Heart/40days 
  • Oils and Nile river 
Firstly the Kings body is taken to a tent known as Ibu or the place of purification there are in embalmers that cleans. The Kings body with good scented palm winds and rinse it with water from the Nile River one of them in embalmer makes a cut in the left side of the Kings body and removes many of the internal organs it is important to remove these organs because they are the first part of the body's decomposed system. Stomach Lungs Liver and intestines are washed and packed in natron which will try them out the heart is not Taken out of the body because it is this the middle of intelligence and feeling and the man will need it's in the afterlife along. Hook is used to smash the brain and pull it through the nose Egyptians didn't know the significance of the brain they thought it was just used to make snot. TheKings body is now covered and filled with Natron which will on juice it's outside of the body all the fluids and rags, from the embalming process would be saved and buried along with the ball after 40 days the body is washed again with water from the NileRive.rT hen it is covered with Oils to help the skin stay elastic the juiceless internal organs are wrapped in women and returned to the body and the body is stuffed with juiceless material such as sawdust leaves and linen so that it looks lifelike finally the bodies covered again with good smelling oils it is now ready to be wrapped and when those are just some of the many steps of embalming.

HISTORY of legacy

  • Country's that Mummified 
  • How it changed over time 
  • 2600 bc 3500 bc 
  • the Pit Graves 
  • lucky 4th Dynasty 
The most recent ancient Egyptian mummies were created natural due to environment in which they were buried in an era prior to 3500 BC, Egyptians bear buried the dead in pit graves, which was regarded to social status. Peak transfer often shawl just characteristics alone, try send of the desert to dehydrate the booties, leaving to natural mummification by the fourth dynasty about 2600 BC followed by preserving the bodies in various minerals and Orioles many of the early experience expedient patients with mummification in Egypt is unknown the few documents that directly describe the mummification process date to that Roman period. The majority of papyrus that survived only told us or gave us a hint of the funeral or the ceremonial rituals Egypt was not the only place that moment the mummified here's bodies or kings Denmark, Chaz Republic, Canada, Greenland, Mexico, United States, Australia, New Zealand, Inca , Chinchorro along with Canary Islands ,Italy ,Hungary Siberia , Iran ,South Africa and Libya . After dehydration, the mommy was wrapped in many layers of linen cloth. Within the layers, Egyptian priest place small ambulance to guard the protect from evil. once the mummy was completely it was wrapped, it was coded in our room is in order to keep the threat of moist air away. Resin was also applied to the coffin in order to seal it. The mummy was then sealed with it it's two alongside the worldly goods that were believed to help them in the afterlife.
Photo by Leo Reynolds


  • Linen wrapping 
  • The steps of linen rapping 
  • The funeral of the King 
  • The goods in his Coffin 
  • Where the Organs go 
In the past, when the internal organs were removed from a body they were placed in hollow canopic jars.
Over many years the embalming practices changed and embalmers began returning internal organs to bodies after the organs had been dried in natron. However, solid wood or stone canopic jars were still buried with the mummy to symbolically protect the internal organs.Imsety the human-headed god looks after the liver.Hapy the baboon-headed god looks after the lungs.Duamutef the jackal-headed god looks after the stomach , Qebehsenuef the falcon-headed god looks after the intestines. First the head and neck are wrapped with strips of fine linen. Then the fingers and the toes are individually wrapped. The arms and legs are wrapped separately. Between the layers of wrapping, the embalmers place amulets to protect the body in its journey through the underworld.This is the 'Isis knot' amulet which will protect the body.This is the 'Plummet' amulet which will keep the person balanced in the next life.A priest reads spells out loud while the mummy is being wrapped. These spells will help ward off evil spirits and help the deceased make the journey to the afterlife. The arms and legs are tied together. A papyrus scroll with spells from the Book of the Dead is placed between the wrapped hands. More linen strips are wrapped around the body. At every layer, the bandages are painted with liquid resin that helps to glue the bandages together. These are just some of the many Wrapping steps ,
Photo by thebarrowboy


Finally, a large cloth is wrapped around the entire mummy. It is attached with strips of linen that run from the top to the bottom of the mummy, and around its middle.
A board of painted wood is placed on top of the mummy before the mummy is lowered into its coffin. The first coffin is then put inside a second coffin. he funeral is held for the deceased and his family mourns his death. A ritual called the 'Opening of the Mouth' is performed, allowing the deceased to eat and drink again.
Finally, the body and its coffins are placed inside a large stone sarcophagus in the tomb. Furniture, clothing, valuable objects, food and drink are arranged in the tomb for the deceased.
Now his body is ready for its journey through the underworld. There his heart will be judged by his good deeds on earth. If his heart is found to be pure he will be sent to live for all eternity in the beautiful 'Field of Reeds'.Now I'm done .
Photo by thebarrowboy