He films his thesis throughout the series. Each episode will consist of humorous situations wherein Xanadu learns about the hobbies, and past and current sub-cultures the youth had/have.
Characters: Xanadu Robles is a young man who aspires to be a filmmaker. Sarcastic, witty, and equipped with dry humor, he is the protagonist of the series.
Characters: Plinky is Xanadu's quirky girlfriend who is believed to suffer from Schizotypal personality disorder. She will help and contribute to Xanadu's thesis.
Characters: Badet is the Robles' young housemaid. She is talkative and naive for the most part, but when it comes to the latest trends in Showbiz, she is always on the loop.
Characters: Dan is Xanadu's classmate since elementary. He competes with Xanadu in almost anything and will do what it takes for Xanadu to fail in his thesis. His weakness is the show 'My Little Pony'
Ending: Xanadu will complete his film thesis with a better understanding of himself in particular and the youth in general. Hopefully the audience too will have a better grasp of how and why the youth are the way they are.