Two types of writers

Published on Dec 09, 2015

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George R.R. Martin

Author of Game of Thrones

Once said something
like this:

There are two types of writers:

Architects & Gardeners.

Architects plan everything ahead of time.

building a house,

Like an Architect

They know how many rooms they will build,

Photo by Wonderlane

Where the electrical wires will run,

Photo by Chapendra

And the kind of plumbing to install.

Everything is designed & blueprinted before nailing the first board.

Then there are Gardeners.

Gardeners dig holes.

They drop in seeds.

They water them.

They know what they planted.

They know
if they planted
fantasy seeds...

or mystery seeds.

Gardeners have
some idea of a
plant's shape.

But Gardeners don’t
know how many
branches to expect.

They don't know the exact color and shape of leaves or petals.

A lot has to do with wind & weather.

Photo by homer4k

And much depends on how much blood Gardeners give.

As seedlings grow...

Gardeners discover what they will become.

No writer is purely an Architect or Gardener.

George R.R. Martin
says he's more of a

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