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Types Of Storms

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Photo by born1945


  • Thunderstorms are bolts of lightning that makes sounds with rain.
  • The storm looks like a dark cloud with rain and lightning.
  • The way it is formed is when cool air rises water vapor condense and forms a cumulus cloud.condensation occurs,
  • Heat is released and helps the thunderstorm grow.
  • The damage of the storm isn't to dangerous.


  • I't sounds like a boom,I sometimes see the lighting,and it smells like dust.
  • The conditions of this storm is power outage,or heavy rain.
  • The house I would build would be brick.
  • The drill I would use is to not go outside or dont use metal.



  • Tornadoes are hot and cold air spinning fast.
  • The storm looks like a wirlwind of air.
  • The tornadoe is formed when warm moist air from the Gulf Stream of Mexico and cool dry air from canada.
  • When they meet they create instability in the atmosphere.
  • The storm is huge compared to the thunderstorm


  • This storm can take out trees even plastic houses.
  • The sound is So small you cant hear it,the smell is like dirt,and it looks like wirl wind of air.
  • The conditions are homes and buildings being destroyed.
  • The house i would build is a strong brick house.
  • I would make nobody drive and turn off t.vs and nobody go outside.


Photo by born1945


  • A hurricane is the most dangerous storm and it looks like clouds circling an eye.
  • Hurricanes only form over really warm waters of 80f for warmer temperatures.
  • The coriolis force is needed to create the spin.
  • This storm can get as large as Texes.this storm is so strong it can take down sky scrapers
  • This storm looks like clouds circling the eye,it also smells like dust,dirt,and rocks,and it sounds like wind in a rush
Photo by CoreBurn


  • The conditions are buildings grtting knocked over even trucks.
  • The house i would build is a house with a basement.
  • If this was to happen I would grab some hot food go in the basement and eat while watching t.v on my tablet