People with typhoid fever carry the bacteria in their bloodstream & intestinal tract.
It can spread the infection directly to other people by containing food/water
It is a deathly illness.This fever is all inside of your blood.It can spread really easy.Just by sharing food with the infected person & water as well.
It is caused by a bacteria called salmonella typhi.
Also it can spread by contaminated food or water/(drink)
Direct contact with someone who is infected.
Typhoid fever can be spreaded by so many ways.There is also a bacteria that can get into your bloodstream.I wouldn't want to share anything with an diagnosed person.
If you have typhoid fever you may havethe following symptoms:constant fever up to 104 degress,diarrhea.constipation,stomach pain,headache & anorexia.
Symptoms usually occur within 1-2 weeks after exposure to the bacteria.
But can occur from 3 days -3 months after exposure.
You may also have these symptoms: malaise,nonproductive cough,slowheart rate.If you have typhoid fever you will have symptoms in 1-2 weeks.The doctor can take stool sample & test for typhoid fever.
Healthy hygene & sanitation has greatly decreased its spread.
Get vaccinated against typhoid fever.
Only eat foods that have been throughly cooked.Use careful selcetion of food & drink while you are ina developing country.
When you're in a resterant get drinks without ice.You can use the ice if it's from boiled water.Try not to eat raw veggies & fruits that cannot be peeled.Don't eat from street vendors when you are traveling.