Every day, the world of philanthropy gets more culturally complex. As the sector continues to evolve, we must be aware of commonalities and differences in how cultures relate to philanthropic giving, and how that impacts fundraising strategy. In this session, we'll discuss the rich vocabulary, varied currency, donor motivations and key relationships in our many philanthropic communities and develop techniques to nuance your fundraising programs.
Learning Objectives & Participant Outcomes:
Identify demographic trends of our potential and current donor base
Evaluate fundraising strategies in a community focused context
Identify strategies to build relationships in cultures and/or communities not your own
Thanks to Dr. Noah Drezner, University of Maryland, College Park, Ann-Mary MacLeod, University of New Mexico, and Connie Hubbs,
ConnieHubbs.com for providing some of the content for this presentation through a co-presentation we did for the Council on Resource Development.