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underwater sounds

Published on Dec 16, 2015

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underwater sounds

hannah yancer
Photo by Ondablv

wave motion

  • longitudinal waves
  • transverse waves
  • water waves
Photo by qwerty_gauri

longitudinal waves

  • they move the particles of the medium parallel to the direction they are moving

transverse waves

  • they move the particals of the waves perpendicular to the direction they are moving

water waves

  • these waves are a good example of moving both ways; transverse and longitudinal


  • sound is wave
  • it needs a medium [something to go through] because it is a mechanical wave

transmission of sound through liquid

  • sound travels much faster in water than it does in air and much faster in a solid than it does in water[liquid]

transmission of sound through liquid

  • as the wave causes particles to vibrate, those particles then hit nearby particles causing them to vibrate as well
  • the closer the particles, the easier it is for sound to move because the particles are easier to vibrate

factors that effect the speed of sound

  • Temperature (because as the temperature increases, particles move faster)
  • Density of the liquid (the denser the medium, the slower sound moves due to the mass of the particles)