this is a cool story i made about unicorns
unicorns live in rainbow world
unicorns have magic powers
a unicorns horn has special powers
when a regular unicorn's horn falls off
- the unicorn sheds one magic tear
- the unicorn loses its magic
- the unicorn turns to dust
when an aurora unicorn's horn falls off
- a fairy can put the horn back together
- the unicorn's horn turns into dust after 1 minute
- if some one touches the unicorn during this time
- then they are granted one wish
- the unicorns disapear
unicorns can not open craft stores
unicorns make all candies
the unicorns that don't live in rainbow-land
the only names you can name a unicorn are
unicorns are awesome singers
unicorns were at war with butterflies
unicorns have cousins that look a little like whales
narwhals also like knitting
unicorns need their sleep
rhinos["muck unicorns,"] are just unicorns
a unicorn's horn is called an alicorn
unicorns can walk on rainbows
aurora-corns spread magic
do not aggrivate a unicorn