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Unique Lizards

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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  • Official name is Cordylus Catapractus
  • Lives in the deserts of Southern Africa
  • It's size is 16 to 21cm long
  • They grow up in family groups
  • Hide cracks to hibernate through the winter


  • Horned lizards are the genus of there species
  • Another name for the horned lizard is the horned toad
  • The name comes from there round body and blunt snout
  • There color serves the camouflage and protection
  • When detected there first instinct is to stay still
Photo by chipdatajeffb


  • Found in warm climates around the world
  • In defense there tails usually rip off
  • They lick there eyes to keep them moist
  • They have special padded toes that let them climb
  • There toes are double jointed and bend in opposite direction of humans
Photo by ggallice


  • Live in Mexico, Central America, Caribbean, and some of Polynesia
  • Iguanas grow to 5-6 feet long
  • Have great vision that can see shapes, colors, shadows, and movement
  • The original name of iguana comes from the word iwana


  • Are distinctive and specialized lizards
  • Approximately 160 chameleons come in a range of colors
  • They are found in warm habitats that vary in rainforest
  • Some species of chameleons are able to change skin colors
Photo by amira_a


  • Found in the islands of Komodo, Rinca, Flores, Gili, Motang, and Patar
  • Grows up to 10 ft long
  • Weighs up to 150 pounds
  • Komodo dragons hunt prey including invertebrates, birds, and animals
  • Komodo dragons get the name because of the bacteria in there mouth

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