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Unit 10

Published on Dec 12, 2015

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  • Adj. Thoroughly skilled n. An expert
  • S. Masterful, proficient
  • A. Clumsy, unskilled, maladroit, novice
  • My brother was an adept policeman because of how much experience he has.
Photo by familymwr


  • V. To have ambitious hopes or plans, strive toward a higher goal
  • S. Yearn, soar
  • A. Dwindle, decline
  • I aspired to be my brother because of how successful he has become.
Photo by IsaacMao


  • Adj. Bare, dreary, dismal
  • S. Grim, cheerless, gloomy, desolate
  • A. Cheerful, rowdy, promising
  • My town had a bleak feeling to it after the fire burned the town hall down.
Photo by Lst1984


  • V. To blame, to scold
  • S. Rebuke, reprimand, upbraid
  • A. Approve, praise, pat on the back
  • My mother chide my sister for skipping class.
Photo by cali.org


  • Adj. Worthy of scorn, contemptible
  • S. Low, cheap, detestable
  • A. Commendable
  • My despicable behavior sent me straight into the Deans office.


  • Adj. Small, smaller than most others of the same type
  • S. Undersized, miniature, tiny
  • A. Large, oversized
  • The diminutive man tried to fight the police but ended up in a holding center.
Photo by mrflip


  • V. To free from slavery; to release or liberate
  • S. Mistaken, fallacious, all wrong
  • A. Accurate, correct, exact
  • Back then a wealthy man could emancipate a slave.


  • Adj. Incorrect, containing mistakes
  • S. Mistaken, fallacious
  • A. Accurate, correct, exact
  • The students paragraph was filled with erroneous sentences.
Photo by TerranceDC


  • V. To make use of, develop; to make improper use of for personal profit.
  • S. Misuse, turn to advantage
  • He is not content to limit himself to his exploits on the basketball court.
Photo by DSdriver


  • Adj. Made or delivered on the spur of the moment.
  • S. Spontaneous, off the cuff
  • A. Planned prepared, practiced
  • The President had to give an extemporaneous speeh after the bombing.


  • V. To make imperfect, damage, harm
  • S. Injure, disable, cripple
  • A. Improve, strengthen, promote, advance
  • The driver was impaired by the rock flying through the windshield.
Photo by zilverbat.


  • Adj. Not able to be defeated, unbeatable
  • S. Indomitable, unconquerable
  • A. Vulnerable, conquerable
  • The crew looked invincible as they rowed to the start.
Photo by JD Hancock


  • Adj. Drooping, without energy, sluggish
  • S. Lazy, listless, slack
  • A. Lively, energetic, vigorous
  • The languid student wanted to leave school after he failed the test.
Photo by DerrickT


  • N. Mud; wet swampy ground; a tough situation- to get stuck
  • S. Swamp, bog, slough
  • A. Clean
  • I started walking through the mire without my bean boots.
Photo by theqspeaks


  • Adj. Forward, undesirably prominent, thrust out
  • S. Brash, conspicuous, protruding
  • A. Reserved, recessed
  • The obtrusive student walked in class and through his homework on the ground.
Photo by jurvetson


  • N. An introduction to a speech or piece of writing
  • S. Opening, prologue, preliminary
  • A. Ending, closing, epilogue
  • The preamble of my book has foreshadowing in it.


  • V. To cause to become; to perform; to deliver officially, to process, extract
  • S. Present, furnish, submit, make
  • I had to render my services to the poor for community service hours.
Photo by torbakhopper


  • Adj. Rough, irregular, severe, stern, strong, stormy
  • S. Rocky, blunt, harsh, hardy, tough
  • A. Smooth, flat, soft, mild, tender, delicate
  • I had to walk through the rugged mountain to get my phone from my tree stand.
Photo by mypubliclands


  • Adj. Inclined to doubt; slow to accept something as true
  • S. Suspicious, incredulous
  • A. Believing, credulous, gullible, ingenuous
  • My mom was skeptical when my brother walked in at 2am and claimed to be sober.
Photo by gdudg


  • Adj. Untidy in dress, personal habits, etc, careless, sloppy
  • S. Messy, untidy, slovenly, slapdash, cursory
  • A. Tidy, neat, orderly, careful, painstaking
  • My slipshod brother throws his clothes everywhere around his room.