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Unit 10

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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To accept without protest; to agree or submit
Syn: yield,accede, consent
Ant: resist, protest
In World War 2 some soldiers would acquiesce in order to not die.

(V)to entice, tempt; to be attractive to (n)strong attraction; the power to attract, charm
Syn:(v)beguile, tantalize (n)temptation, enticement
Ant:(v)repel,turn off (n)repellent
The allure of gold draws many buyers closer.

Photo by Loimere

Twisted to one side, crooked; disapprovingly
Syn: awry, lopsided, cockeyed
Ant: straight, symmetrical
The askew Republicans only care for the rich and not the poor.

Photo by MBK (Marjie)

Cheerful, lighthearted; casual, unconcerned
Syn:carefree, nonchalant
Ant: morose,depressed
The blithe people of Buffalo excepted the new players on the Bills.

Photo by NatalieMaynor

Quarrelsome, inclined to argue
Syn: argumentative, disputatious, combative
Ant:agreeable, affable, amiable
Politicians can be contentious and will describe how the right way appears to them.

To desire something belonging to another
Syn:crave, yearn for, hunger for
Ant:scorn, disdain, despise
In Lord of the Rings Smeagle coveted the most powerful ring to rule.

Discouraged, dejected, downcast
Syn:despondent, disconsolate
Ant:elated, cheerful, cocky
The people of New England should be crestfallen because their team one off of a should be penalty.

Photo by Laenulfean

Rumpled, mussed; hanging in disorder
Syn:untidy, tousled
Ant:tidy, well-groomed
The disheveled trunk of the car had ragged tossed in every way.

Photo by bill barber

One who advocates, speaks for, explains, or interprets
Syn:defender, champion
Ant:critic, adversary
The exponent of Apple was Steve Jobs while he was teaching people about his new achievements.

Giving to much talking, tediously, chatty
Syn:talkative, loquacious
Ant:reticent, mum, taciturn
Many garrulous people do not realize that they are not letting the other person speak.

Incapable of being overcome
Syn:invincible, insurmountable
Ant:surmountable, conquerable
Ovechkin, being the best player to ever play hockey is insuperable.

Photo by FrenchKheldar

To be regretted or pitied
Syn:deplorable, distressing
Ant:laudable, commendable
The German people regretted having elected Hitler to power after World War 2.

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Au unsuitable or misleading name
Syn:misnaming, malapropism
The title G.O.P. is a misnomer, given that there is nothing grand about the Republican Party.

Photo by ell brown

To affirm openly;to assert
Syn:assert, proclaim
Ant:disclaim, disavow
I profess aloud that I do not believe capitalism is a good system.

Photo by fung.leo

A period of rest or relief
Syn:interval, lull
The Respite came after a touchdown was thrown in the waeyninig seconds of the second quarter.

Repayment;a deserved punishment
Syn:recompense, requital
The man payed his retribution by going to prison for murder.

Photo by JeepersMedia

Having many curves
Syn:twist, supple
Ant:direct, stiff
The sinuous road can cause cars to fall off due to its sharp turns.

Photo by nappent

Full, deep, rich in sound
Syn:resonant, resounding
Ant:tinny, harsh
The sonorous sound of many musical artists is the reason why many of them are so popular.

Foremost part of an army, leading position in any field
Syn:forefront, cutting edge
Ant:laggards, stragglers
The president is the vanguard of the U.S. military.

Photo by Marion Doss

Wasteful person, good-for-nothing
Syn:loafer, idler
Ant:tightwad, skinflint
The wastrel threw out his half-eaten sandwich as soon as he stepped outside of the diner.