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Unit 5: Week 2

Published on Dec 10, 2015

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Unit 5: Singled Out

Monday, April 13th
Photo by kevin dooley


  • Read through "The Red Successor" by Thursday.
  • LoW due on Friday.
  • Snapshot 5 due on Friday.
Photo by Dean Hochman

LJ Prompt

What does it mean to be an insider or an outsider?

"The Golden Lady" LoW

Photo by trilanes

American Propaganda Posters

Propaganda Chart

Complete the chart. 
Photo by kevin dooley

Unit 5: Singled Out

Tuesday, April 14th
Photo by kevin dooley


  • Read through "The Red Successor" by Thursday.
  • LoW due on Friday.
  • Snapshot 5 due on Friday.
Photo by Dean Hochman

LJ Grammar Notes

Label and diagram the sentences. 
Photo by smoorenburg

FDR Speech

Read and analyze. 
Photo by Freimut

Text Dependent Questions

Complete these questions individually. Pair up and share.
Photo by kevin dooley

Attack on Pearl Harbor PPT

Photo by KJGarbutt

Watch FDR's Speech

Photo by smoorenburg

Unit 5: Singled Out

Wednesday, April 15th
Photo by kevin dooley


  • Read through "The Red Successor" by Thursday.
  • LoW due on Friday.
  • Snapshot 5 due on Friday.
Photo by Dean Hochman


  • Communism
  • Class Status
  • Cultural Revolution
  • Bougeoise
Photo by caruba

Watch Bush's Speech

Photo by kevin dooley

Annotate the Speech

Photo by MDrX

Compare/Contrast the Speeches

Unit 5: Singled Out

Thursday, April 16th
Photo by kevin dooley


  • Read through "The Red Successor" by Thursday.
  • LoW due on Friday.
  • Snapshot 5 due on Friday.
  • Shadow Box due on Monday. Presentations begin Monday.
Photo by Dean Hochman

Thursday's Affixes

  • Mini - Small
  • Mid - Middle
Photo by TempusVolat

Red Scarf Girl

Book Trailer
Photo by kevinpoh

Writing Da-Zi-Bao

Discussion & Text Dependent Questions
Photo by Nick Kenrick.

Write a paragraph, as a summary of the chapter, only writing as if you were An-Yi, Ji-li's best friend, and experiencing everything Ji-Li is, but in a different point of view. Include things that is not in the chapter, such as when An-Yi is at home with her family, or in the classroom, without Ji-Li.

Unit 5: Singled Out

Friday, April 17th
Photo by kevin dooley


  • Snapshot 5 and LoW due today.
  • Shadow Box due on Monday. Presentations begin Monday.
  • In RSG, read through "Propaganda Wall."
Photo by Rameshng

Red Scarf Girl Pop Quiz

Turn it into the blue bin, then you must read. 
Photo by Nick Kenrick.

Red Scarf Girl

Graduation & The Sound of Drums and Gongs

Newspaper Articles

Read the examples then create your own.