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Published on Apr 26, 2016

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John F Kennedy

an American polititian who served as the 35th president of the United States

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Richard Nixon

the 37th president who was also the only president to resign in office  

Lyndon B Johnson

the 36th president of the united states and 37th vicde president under Kennedy  

Nikita Khrushchev

a politician who led the Soviet Union during the cold war

peace corp

men and women who dedicated themselves to the cause of peace and development of a country

job corp

a free-of-charge program that offers education on jobs for men and women ages 16-24

Bay of pigs

was an attempt to overthrow castro

Cuban Missile crisis

an American spy plane discovered missiles in which JFK had removed

Berlin wall

dividing Berlin due to the Communist and the Soviet union

warren court

a series of court cases during the time period in which earl warren was chief of justice

Miranda rights

a right to silence, a warning given by police "anything you say"

Great society

domestic programs whos goal was to eliminate poverty and racial injustice


federal health insurance for people 65 or older or those with disabilities


also provided coverage for elderly people in nursing home or those who couldn't afford health care


US government agency responsible for scince and technology related to air and space 

immigration Act 1965

reuniting immigrant families and attracting skilled labor into the US

Title IX

prohibited the discrimination of females playing in any school sport

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Martin Luther King Jr.

a preacher who promoted non-violent tactics, gave the "I have a dream" speech and changed humanity

Thurgood Marshall

head lawyer of the NAACP during the cold war

Malcom X

believed that separatism was a better way but stil gave African americans the same opportunities

Montgomery buss boycotts

a 13 month protest that the supreme court eventually ruled segregation on public busses is unconstitutional

little rock 9

African American student enrolled in little rock HS and were intentionally prevented from entering

Brown V B.O.E

court case that deemed separate things for whites and coloreds was uncnstitutional

24th amendment

prohibited poll taxes in elections for federal officials

civil rights act 1964

outlawed discrimination based on race, religion, sex, or national origin 

UC v Bakke

sued the university for discriminating against him

feminine mystique

a book written by Betty Freidan, becoming a best seller 

United farm workers

a labor union in the Unied States

Caesar Chavez

fought for farmers rights by protesting and fasting

American Indian movement

to establish international recognition of their treaty rights

stonewall inn riots

violence by the LGBT community towards police during a raid