I'm going to Uruguay to relax. It's a country in the southeastern region of South America. It's ranked first in Latin America in...
Untitled Slide
- Democracy
- Peace
- Lack of corruption
- Quality of living
- e-Government
- Press freedom
- Prosperity
I'm going to visit the Museo Torres Garcia.
I'll also go to Pocitos to relax.
- USD 0.50 = 15.5 UYU
- USD1.00 = 31.0 UYU
- USD 2.00 = 62.0 UYU
Costo de Museo Torres Garcia
Pocitos is a public beach and free to attend.
Me quedare en Gran Hotel America
Uruguay Natural Restaurnte
Average price for food is 20 to 30 USD
My average daily expenses
Informacion de Uruguay
- The Economist named Uruguay "Country of the year" in 2013, acknowledging the innovative policy of legalizing the production, sale and consumption of cannabis. Same-sex marriage and abortion are also legal, leading Uruguay to be regarded as one of the most liberal nations in the world, and one of the most socially developed, outstanding regionally and performing well globally on personal rights, tolerance and inclusion issues.
- Ticket to Uruguay
- Food
- Sight seeing
- Souvenirs
- Hotel
- Ticket back to U.S.
- Total adds up to $2,365 or 73,657 UYU