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Published on Dec 06, 2015

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Jared Ruffin
Photo by The U.S. Army

First Political Parties-1790's

  • The two major parties was the Democrats and the Republicans. 
  • Alexander Hamilton Federalist Party supported a strong central
  • Thomas Jefferson Democratic-Republican Party favored a small central
  • government with with limited powers. 

Marshall Court-1801-1835

  • MARSHALL COURT ruled that the power to tax involves the power to
  • destroy.
  • Under the Supremacy Clause no state had the right to destroy or in any way
  • nullify what Congress had enacted.
  • It was the Supreme Court of the United States. 
Photo by tenunda

Spoils System-1830

  • The name came from the ancient wartime saying,
  • To the victor belong the spoils of war.
  • Andrew Jackson fired 20% of federal officials and put his
  • supporters that helped him during the election of  1828.
Photo by cliff1066™

Indian removal Act-1830

  • Indian Removal Act was a law that was passed by Congress.
  • The act was strongly supported by non-native people of the South
  • that were eager to gain access to lands inhabited by the Five Civilized.
  • They push Indians out of their homelands and forced their removal to land
  • set aside as Indian Territory in present-day Oklahoma.

Jacksonian Democracy-1824-1840

  • Andrew Jackson was elected president as the champion of the common
  • man.
  • As the voting rights expanded the United States became more democratic.
  • Jacksonian democracy promoted the strength of the presidency and executive 
  • branch at the expense of Congress.
Photo by dbking

Manifest Destiny-1845

  • Manifest Destiny was the widely held belief in the United States that
  • American settlers were destined to expand throughout the continent.
  • Manifest Destiny provided the rhetorical tone for the largest acquisition
  • of U.S. territory.
  • Democrats in the 1840's to justify the war with Mexico.
Photo by Earthworm

Mexican-American War-1846-1848

  • James K. Polk was the Eleventh U.S. president. 
  • Henry Clay was Unsuccessful Whig candidate against Polk in 1844 election.
  • In 1848, United States and Mexico sign Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.
Photo by Loco Steve

Seneca Falls Convention-1848

  • It goal was equality under the law for both men and woman.
  • Woman's movement was launched that would last for decades.
  • They drafted a statement that was called Declaration of Sentiments that 
  • was based on Declaration of Independence.
Photo by USM MS photos

Factory System-1814

  • Francis Cabot Lowell was the father of Factory System.
  • Lowell used series of machines, housed into one building, turned cotton 
  • into finished cloths.
  • He hired young woman from local farm to tend his machines. 


  • They was a strong attachment to regional interests, had became
  • a major issue in American politics.

Missouri Compromise-

  • The 1820 compromise banned slavery from much of the Louisiana Territory
  • while maintaining the balance of power between slave and free states in
  • the Senate.
Photo by dbking

Compromise of 1850

  • Henry Clay hoped this compromise on slavery in the West would please
  • everyone.
  • Fugitive Slave Law deeply angered many northerners.
Photo by dbking

views on slavery

  • The Civil War that raged across the nation from 1861 to
Photo by just.Luc

events leading up to the civil War

  • Dred Scott, a slave, was the focus of an 1857 Supreme Court decision
  • the angered Northern anti-slavery forces and escalated tensions leading to 

Fugitive Slave Law-

  • The return of return of escaped slaves to their owners,
  • something slaveholders had been demanding for years.

Uncle Tom's Cabin-

  • Harriet Beecher Stowe described the cruelties
  • of slavery through the story of a dignified slave named Uncle Tom


  • They dismayed may Northerners.
  • Also made it through Congress.
Photo by cliff1066™

Republican Party

  • Took a firm stand against the Fugitive Slave Law 
  • and Kansas-Nebraska Act.
Photo by cliff1066™


  • They had the  right vested on the individual or a group of people to 
  • enjoy the benefits of an object.
Photo by theqspeaks

military leader of the war

  • the United States Military Academy at West Point and the United States Naval Academy
  • Add another list iat Annapolis created dedicated cadres of professional officers whose
  • understanding of military science had profound effect on the conduct of the American Civil
  • War.

major battles

  • The casualties suffered in the First World War were of a scale
  • never before experienced. Great Britain and her Empire lost over 1,000,000 combatant

Appomattox Courthouse

  • It is located in the middle of the state about three miles
  • once known as Clover Hill - home of the original Old Appomattox Court House

Emancipation Proclamation

  • Lincoln issued a proclamation freeing all slaves in the 
  • rebellious states.
  • Freedom for most slaves did not come until the end of the war.

54th Massachusetts Regiment

  • The 54th stormed the Confederate defenses
  • at Fort Wagner.