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U.S. and Soviet Union

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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The distinct differences in the political systems of the two countries often prevented them from reaching a mutual understanding on key policy issues and even, as in the case of the Cuban missile crisis, brought them to the brink of war.

Photo by quapan

Immediately after World War I, the US along with the other western allied powers, sent troops to attempt to end the Russian Civil War and put down the Bolshevik Revolution. After that, Soviet Russia was paranoid about being surrounded by capitalist enemies who were unafraid of military intervention in Russian internal affairs.

The US was democratic and favored free trade while the Soviet Union and many other East European countries were communist. The US feared that Soviet Union would use atomic bombs to take over the US government

When American foreign policy officials took it upon themselves to spread democracy across the globe. This goal conflicted drastically with the Russian revolutionaries’ original desire to overthrow capitalism. Soviet leaders also wanted to restructure Europe so that a buffer existed between the Germans and the Soviet border. Both the United States and the USSR believed that their respective survival was at stake, and each was therefore prepared to take any steps to win.

Our recommendations are that we should just take control by force and make everyone go democratic

Photo by Vox Efx