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U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Published on Dec 15, 2015

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U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

By Kristen Cotton

US Department of labor

Is a federal agency that collects, publishes data mainly related to labor economics.
Also publishes studies and survey related to health, occupational illness, workplace injuries etc.
Photo by Tim Evanson


This is the website that Iv'e chosen. This website basically post different statistics based on labor aspect in america.

Job Increase

The Job opening level increased over the years for many industries, including both professional and business services and health care and social assistance.

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The gross job gains in the U.S. is at 6.9 million and gross job losses is at 6.5 million in the 1st quarter of 2014

Last updated on Nov. 13, 2014

Updated on Nov. 13,2014 and these statistical updates usually happen every 7-10 business days.
Photo by lumaxart

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the importance of this information is to inform U.S. citizens on the laboring jobs in the U.S.
It benefits to know this information when looking for jobs.

The Employment Research and Program Development staff (ERPDS) initiates

The (ACS) American Community Survey is a household survey developed by the Census Bureau used to gather data on the labor in America.

62% to 81 %

Women’s earnings as a proportion of men’s earnings also have grown over time.
In 1979, women working full time earned 62 percent of
what men earned; in 2012, women’s earnings were 81
percent of men’s.


p. My theory is that women have increasingly attained higher levels of education which causes them to attain high paying job that resulted in a pay increases.

Independent Variable: levels of degree
Dependent Variable: job earnings

Does the increase in government aid cause job lose in america

I would do take a survey of all the unemployed and find out who all has government aid and if giving the opportunity to find be offered a job in exchange for the government aid would you give it up
Photo by Oberazzi

U.S. Bureahttp://www.bls.gov/cps/lfcharacteristics.htm#topu of Labor Statistics | OEUS/JOLTS, (2014) Massachusetts Avenue, NE Washington, DC 20212-0001