The nation's health care system was a major problem in the 2008 campaign.
Growing numbers of Americans were uninsured, and costs continued rising at an annual growth rate of 6.7%.
After, Democrats created the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA),
Americans were divided over the plan, based on party affiliation, race, and age. Republicans largely opposed the plan. Almost one-third of white people opposed it while two-thirds of Hispanic people and 91% of black people favored it. Most senior citizens opposed the law, while younger Americans favored it.
States with Republican leadership balked at mandates they expand Medicaid, Federal-State health insurance program for low-income people and they won in the courts.
My amendment is to create a social security to protect all Americans despite their race , age and economy situation , system that use public funds to protect economically the public . The benefits is based on the amount you pay out of your income , with an limitation of the amount you can pay .