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usa vs

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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usa vs

Photo by WarzauWynn


Photo by vgm8383

usa citizenship

  • If you born in the US you are a citizen.
Photo by craig.martell

Roman Citizenship

  • Roman citizens did not have responsibilities:
  • they were taxed and men needed to complete a term of military service.

Usa laws

  • Public smoking bans have become popular in many places in the US
Photo by jaygoldman

Roman Laws

  • In 312 the gave censors the right to 
  • revise the member list if the Senate
Photo by marsmet542

What do the us Congress do?

  • They make laws needed to govern.
Photo by VinothChandar

Roman Congress

  • When Rome was in a time of crises the would
  • temporarily appoint a dictator