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Use hypnosis to make your life better

Published on Mar 25, 2016

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Use hypnosis to make your life better

                            with  Selena Valentine
Photo by zoomar

selena is proud of:

  • the impact that they had on their clients.
  • she is also proud of helping their clients to reach their goals.


Basically hypnosis is we have two aspect of our mind.

Photo by Leo Reynolds

Two aspect:

  • conscious mind.
  • subconscious mind.

conscious mind

  • the 10% part vof our mind and that's the critical aspect of mind.
  • that's the part of analyzes, judges, critiques.

subconscious mind

  • 90% part of our mind, referred to our right brain.
  • it stores all long-term memory, belief system, emotions, and habits.

Hypnotist like Selena, work directly to the subconscious part of mind to bring about positive and permanent change in peoples life.

Photo by Dave77459

Hypnosis has been accepted by the American Medical Association and American Psychological Association since 1952.

Photo by GotCredit

Conscious Mind is more logic while
Subconscious Mind is more on imagination.

conscious mind

  • critical, analytical, and judging part of our mind.
  • this is the aspect of our mental processing where we think and talk in rational way.
Photo by ores2k

subconscious mind

  • where memories are stored deeply.
  • has long-term memory.
Photo by BenGrantham

WILLPOWER is only in the conscious mind.

Photo by illuminaut

Critical faculty

  • is the analytical and judging part.
  • every decision you make.

Buffer between conscious and subconscious

  • Conscious mind allows what is going to penetrate your subconscious.
  • it is like a guard.
Photo by Dunechaser

0-3 children are in a hypnogotic stage, which means they haven't develop their conscious mind.

Subconscious Mind cannot tell the difference between fact and fiction.

Photo by Rparle

That is why children believe whatever you impress upon it.

Photo by WiLPrZ

Selena had a client that have a problem created when she was 4 years old.

the result is depends on your client because everyone is different. Some can take really well but other , takes time.

Photo by monkeyc.net

Storytelling starts to lower your guard (conscious mind) down.

Photo by tim caynes

Be careful to what you are allowing into your mind.

Photo by Abulic Monkey

The best way to get into a stage of hypnosis is right before you go to bed and first thing in the morning.

Photo by solofotones

Wanted to make more money?

Photo by aresauburn™

selena recommend to tell themselves:

  • "I live in an abundant universe, I am abundant. "
  • You can go to our website , lets have a session.
Photo by thedescrier

"Something great is going to happen to me today."

You have to constantly reinvent and raise your standards.

Photo by soonerpa

In hypnosis they help people get really clear on their goal.

It is highly recommended in their practice one goal at a time.

Photo by Rob Ellis'

it's really true that the smarter you are , the faster you get hypnotized.

Photo by silkolive

Smart people are smart because they are constantly learning and growing.

Photo by CoenV

Why is that some people act sillier than others if everybody is in their subconscious???

Untitled Slide

  • its because everybody's subconscious is different .
Photo by Yogendra174

To change your subconscious is like strengthening a muscle, the more you strengthen it, the more it will be stronger.

Photo by RightIndex

The mind is the most powerful part of the body.

Photo by Leo Reynolds

helps selena get through everyday

  • Balance
Photo by diffendale