Cuba was an American protectorate, the U.S. had the control to intervene in their affairs.
It was a policy of staying out of foreign affairs, that the U.S. followed before they decided to enter World War I.
The U.S. joined the Spanish-American War because of the exaggeration of the Cuban fight for independence.
The use of Propaganda by the British induced the American civilians to want to join the war by portraying the Germans as savages and inhuman monsters.
Victory gardens were suggested to decrease the amount of meat consumed in order to send more available roof to the front lines.
The movement of American Americans to cities was because of the lack of workers in factories during the war.
It is the act of negotiating with other countries with the backup of naval powers.
Even with Cuba's newly gained independence, they were forced, as a protectorate, to allow U.S. intervention in their affairs.
This as a policy concerning the trade with China, China was not included in the discussion.
The result of the war was that Cuba was free and U.S. gained control of Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines.
It delivered severe punishments to people who talked bad about one's country, president, or government, it limited the 1st amendment.
She tried to shift the power from large business owners back to the monarchy, but was overthrown, the result of it was that Hawaii was annexed by America.
It was a symbol of expanding U.S. naval power, showing off the military might.
It was an attempt by the Chinese to use violence to drive out the foreign powers, killing any foreigners.
This was an alliance with other countries to keep the peace, the U.S. didn't join because Congress believed it would entangle in foreign affairs.
The U.S. provoked and supported a revolution to have Panama gain independence, it made negotiation the building of the canal easier.
The fear of a Communist takeover, American's called for imitations on immigration, it leads to the Palmer Raids.
It allowed the U.S. to interfere in Latin American matters as long as they felt it was necessary, it also told European powers to mind their own business.
Dollar Diplomacy was using loans to keep control of American financial/economic interests while minimalizing the military use.
It influenced the expansion of the U.S. Navy and was the reason for Roosevelt showing off the White Fleet.