We will have a Purge once every 50 years. This will keep the population from overflowing. The Purge will last for 12 hours. There will be no emergency services allowed. All crime is legal during the purge, including murder. We have the best Mikita in the world (Mikita means military). The presidents will make laws. There are 5 presidents.
Our education is the best in the land. We hired professional teachers.
Children will attend school at age 3-21. No homeschooling.NO UNIFORMS. Only dress code. School starts at 10:00 a.m. and ends at 5:00 p.m.
Students are taught Math, Science, Language, PE, Art, and Music.
The Republic of Quosbia has one serum that keeps the individual healthy until 50. Once you reach that age you get to go the Ceremony of Life. Before the Ceremony Quosbians will receive a paper that describes your life. This includes all records. Once you are at the Ceremony the judges (the four founders who are immortal) will make the final decision by sending a sign of worthiness. But during the Purge, the serum shuts off. If they pass they get the serum that lasts 32 years. Then they are 82 and can die of natural causes. The government will feed the Quosbians. We will deliver foods to the houses.
Freedom of Religion. Native and most common religion is Suoc Suoc.
Jet packs, trains, flying cars (no gas included), wings for individual people.
Location and infrastructure:
The Quosbians live in regular houses. Quosbia is located on an island ear the Bahamas.
Social Structure:
Support and allow gay marriage. Adoption is allowed. Abortion is prohibited. Everybody is equal. There are no categories such as High Class, Middle Class, and Low Class. There is no limit to amounts of children. Couples marry in regular way.
There are jobs in Quosbia. The people can decide on what they want their jobs to be. They all make $15,000 a year (they don't need to buy pay rent/mortgage) and they can use it to spend on luxuries.
Citizens wear shorts and short sleeves because our country is located in the Bahama area. We have an artificial winter in December-February and in this time, citizens wear long sleeves, pants, gloves and mittens, coats, and hats. For footwear they wear sneakers and flip flops, but in winter they wear boots.
Social Life:
There is free time from 5:30-10:00 P.M. and from 6:30-9:30 A.M. For entertainment citizens may read, watch television, play with toys, watch live shows, listen to music, and play sports.
Ogelia (city, center of business and work), Telyot (suburbs), Albarayna (farming land, rural area), Emosewa (mountains, desert, rough terrain)
I pledge allegiance to the
of Quosbia. And to the Four founders for which it stands
One republic under Suoc Suoc. With equality and justice for all.