- Spain sponsored Vasco Balboa
- Joined expedition to Columbia,South America
- Colonists died from Native people
- Searched for a new sea and precious metalsy
- He discovered the Pacific Ocean
Spain sponsored Vasco Balboa to join an expedition to Clumbia,South America.Most of the colonists had been killed by Native people.He
persuaded the colonists that remained to move to the western side of the gulf of Urab.They established the town of Darién on the isthmus of Panama,which is a small strip of land that connects Central America and South America.On 1513, Balboa led a new expedition from Darién to search for a new sea.That would belong to the south and to get the precious metal,good.He didn't find gold but he found the Pacific Ocean.
Ferdinand, the king of Spain.He didn't find the metal but he found the Pacific Ocean