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Published on Nov 29, 2015

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Photo by nixter


  • Fish have gills to breath out of
  • Fish also have scales


  • Frogs,toads , salamander,Nuets , cicilians
  • Amphibians body structure is very slimy because to get away from predators
  • Cicilians baby's medomorponsisit inside their mother
  • Amphibians live on water and land
  • They camouflage for predators
Photo by Ray_from_LA


  • Tadpoles change their body after numbers of weeks
  • Amphibians body temperature goes up and down with their surrondings
  • Some frogs have suction cups on the bottom of their feet or webbed feet
  • Frogs have a flap under their mouth so when they breath they Croak
Photo by liquidnight


  • Reptiles shed their skin or scales
  • Reptile baby's have leathery shells that protect them from predators
  • They have liquid in the eggs to feed the baby's when they are not ready to hatch
  • Turtles snakes lizards alligators crocodile dinosaur
  • Baby reptiles have a egg tooth to get out of there shells when little


  • Baby mammals drink milk from their mother
  • Warm blooded and hairy
  • They are warm blooded so they can move fast
  • Some mammals have lots of hair but some not as much
  • The baby of a mammal comes right out of its mother
Photo by chefranden


  • When baby birds are hatching they take about 11days or 3 months
  • Birds who fly,birds who swim and birds who walk
  • Birds have very good eyes / all birds have feathers but not all birds fly
  • Birds can live in water, under ground, and live in trees
  • Some birds feathers repel water and some help them fly
Photo by Alexollon

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