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My topic is Raphael Sanzio a renaissance artist and architect. He was an influence to modern times.
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Victoria Steffon

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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My topic is Raphael Sanzio a renaissance artist and architect. He was an influence to modern times.
Photo by Rafael Acorsi

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  • people were amazed by things he created
  • He copied artwork and made perfect copies of them
  • still an art legend today
He took ideas from Michaelangelo, Peroghu, and many other artists from his time. This influenced modern times because it showed people that you're work can be considered a "perfect copy"

Raphael Sanzio

  • He was born in Urbino Italy
  • He was one of the greatest Renaissance Artists
  • One of his most famous paintings was; "The school of Athens"
Not only was he a painter, he was an architect as well. He got ideas for his art from Michelangelo and Leonardo Da Vinci. During his architect times, he achieved many things as well.

Influence on Modern Times

  • copied things
  • he taught people how to make perfects
  • he is still being studied
  • fallen out of style (his art)
  • Copied ideas from famous people
He had an influence on people as well. "Many lesser artists have imitated him emptily, but he has been a major inspiration to great classical painters such as Annibale Carracci and Ingres." (Kren, Marx)

"Raphael's art has fallen out of favor in contemporary times because it seems almost too perfect & sweet. Many art historians believe that it lacks the dynamic power of Leonardo or Michelangelo's works." (NA, Works).

This quote teaches us how perfect his copies actually are. People were struggling to identify them from the original works of art. He was an apprentice for many years before he became an official artist.

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Raphael Sanzio

This is an image of what Raphael is said to look like.
Photo by rjhuttondfw

"Raphael imitated his master closely, and their painting styles are so similar that art historians had difficultly determining whose was whose." (NA, Works).

As you can now see, how close his art is related to the "master".

Raphael taught society many things. He was a huge influence on modern times, because people review and get ideas from his art work today.

In conclusion Raphael Sanzio had many influences on modern times. He helped us learn his methods of art. He was considered one of the greatest Renaissance artists of the time.

Raphael Sanzio, an architect and an artist. He created many works of art and was a huge influence to modern day art. His works were considered perfect.
Photo by peterjr1961

"As painters, engravers, and architects, Giulio Romano, Gianfrancesco Penni, & Marantonio Raimondi owed an immense debt to Raphael, but the harmonious order of his style gave away more extreme effects, presented most powerfully in the art of the elderly Michelangelo." (WRSD Data Base).


Photo by Al_HikesAZ