Ho wrote to a friend: All communists must “make contact with the masses to awaken, organize, unite and train them, and lead them to fight for freedom and independence.”
Stayed in China to organize nationalists into the on the Vietnam border into the Vietnam Revolutionary League (Vietminh).
1945: Ho announced the formation of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam.
Allied Powers had decided that country would be divided into two: the northern half under the control of the Chinese and the southern half under the British.
France attempted to reestablish control and refused to recognize Ho’s regime.
1949: Fighting broke out between the Vietminh and the French troops.
August 1964: U.S. Destroyer Maddox was fired upon in the Gulf of Tonkin.
Congress approved Johnson's decision to bomb North Vietnam and passed the Gulf of Tonkin resolution to take all necessary measures against North Vietnam.
January 1968: The Tet Offensive proved to be a turning point in the war.
In military terms it was a victory for the U.S. forces. An estimated 37,000 NLF soldiers were killed compared to 2,500 Americans.
Proved that the NLF appeared to have men and women willing to fight for the overthrow of the South Vietnamese government
1968: President Johnson was told by Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara that the U.S. could not win the Vietnam War and recommended a negotiated withdrawal.