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Villa Baviera

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  • Was founded in 1950s chile by fugitive Paul schäfer and his following of German immigrants. Originally called colonia dignidad
  • Founding goal was to create a utopia through national socialist ideologies.
  • Defectors have told stories of pedophilia.
  • Changed its name to villa baviera
  • As of 2005 it is still used as a settlement with around 200 people


  • Born December 4th. 1921
  • Joined hitter youth at a young age
  • Was a German medic during ww2
  • Became a minister after ww2, started his own children's hospital and baptist ministry.
  • 1959 he was charged with sexually abusing 2 children, escaped with his flock to argentina.


  • Technology: mainly a colony centralized around agriculture. Used tractors, planted various crops. Had instruments of torture.
  • Rhetorically. Believed that hard work will get you closer to God.


  • The colony was aiming for Germans and fugitive nazis. Tried to recreate a national socialist utopia. Joseph mengele was reportedly here at one point.
  • Children were separated from their parents at birth. Were told to call adults either uncle or aunt. Schäfer was called permanent uncle.
  • Were taught their religious ideology of hard work. If you didn't fulfill your quota you weren't fed.


  • All levels of education were encouraged to join the colony. But they had to be willing to follow schäfers orders.
  • Their colonists had to have had little Christian education in order to obey their beliefs.


  • The customs that the colony has are very manipulative. It appears that schäfer has masked his colony as following Christian values but used it to take advantage of children. The place itself has the nickname "the pedophiles paradise."
  • The outside world was a taboo within this colony. Newspapers, sex, and money were banned within the colony.


  • As of the 21st century Colonia dignidad has changed its leadership and name to villa baviera. They acknowledge and admit to the previous crimes committed at the colony and insist that it is a changed place.
  • Currently it does not counter attack critics.
  • Back then government officials would visit the colony and they would mysteriously disappear.
  • The outside world was banned from them so the inhabitants had no knowledge of other religions


  • Hard work makes you closer to God
  • John 3:16 (For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.)
  • Children should be separated from their parents
  • Ephesians 6:4 (And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.)


  • In my opinion I do not believe that colonia dignidad was a cult. I believe that religion played a prominent role in their society. In the end it seems to me that the sole purpose of the formation of this colony was for schäfer to escape incarceration, not to practice unorthodox religion. The main reason that people joined this colony was because they were either escaped nazis or they wanted to keep the national socialist ideology alive.
  • Never the Less people should be advised to stay away from this place. Even though the colony has changed its name and many of the criminals are in prison, many of the original offenders still remain at the colony.