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Vocab Unit 1

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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  • Def: hardship; difficulty; rigor
  • Part of speech: noun
  • Sentence: The asperity in her voice translated into anger.
  • Synonyms: roughness, sharpness
  • Antonyms: calmness kindness


  • Def: a person or thing that ruins or spoils
  • Part of speech: noun
  • Sentence: He was the bane of my existence.
  • Synonyms: affliction, burden
  • Antonyms: advantage, blessing


  • Def: a person who amuses others by tricks, jokes, odd gestures and postures
  • Part of speech: noun
  • Sentence: The buffoon was once again in detention for harassing a teacher.
  • Synonyms: clown, comic


  • Def: sorrowful; mournful; melanchol
  • Part of speech: adjective
  • Sentence: The doleful look in her eyes gave away her sadness.
  • Synonyms: crestfallen, depressed
  • Antonyms: cheerful, happy


  • Def: an outgoing, gregarious person
  • Part of speech: noun
  • Sentence: The extrovert had a lot of friends.
  • Synonyms: character, life of the party
  • Antonyms: introvert, loner


  • Def: excessively ornate or elaborate
  • Part of speech: adjective
  • Sentence: The garish handwriting was hard to read.
  • Synonyms: ostentatious, showy
  • Antonyms: conserved, modest


  • Def: any system of persons or things ranked one above another
  • Part of speech: noun
  • Sentence: The hierarchy government was very family oriented.
  • Synonyms: grouping, positioning


  • Def: to impregnate or inspire, as with feelings, opinions
  • Part of speech: verb
  • Sentence: She was imbued by the art exhibit.
  • Synonyms: bathe, diffuse
  • Antonyms: drain, take out


  • Def: to urge, provoke, or incite to some action or course
  • Part of speech: verb
  • Sentence: He was instigating the smaller boy, taking his toys.
  • Synonyms: encourage, hint
  • Antonyms: prevent, stop


  • Def: a strong inclination, taste, or liking for something
  • Part of speech: noun
  • Sentence: My penchant for pancakes drove me to IHOP.
  • Synonyms: affection, attachment
  • Antonyms: dislike, hate


  • Def: difficult to control or handle
  • Part of speech: adjective
  • Sentence: He was such a rambunctious kid, always getting into things.
  • Synonyms: noisy, rowdy
  • Antonyms: meek, shy


  • Def: entire stock of skills, techniques, or devices used in a particular field or occupation
  • Part of speech: noun
  • Sentence: The florist's repertoire was quite extensive.
  • Synonyms: range, stock
  • Antonyms: debt


  • Def: the elements or first principles of a subject
  • Part of speech: noun
  • Sentence: The toddler spoke in rudimentary terms.
  • Synonyms: bottom, foundation
  • Antonyms: annex, top


  • Def: to attack by indirect, secret, or underhand means
  • Part of speech: verb
  • Sentence: The student undermined the teacher.
  • Synonyms: weaken, erode
  • Antonyms: strengthen, aid


  • Def: not slackening or abating; incessant
  • Part of speech: adjective
  • Sentence: The unremitting student had straight A's.
  • Synonyms: ceaseless, endless
  • Antonyms: ending

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