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Vocab unit 7

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  • to regard with horror or loathing; to hate deeply
  • Synonyms: detest, despise
  • Antonyms: Admire, cherish
  • Sentence: Jack abhors him because he lied to Jack 2 years ago and stole Jack's money


  • to change in a formal way; to change for the better
  • Synonyms: modify, improve
  • Antonyms: worsen
  • Sentence: By previewing, listening and reviewing, the subject that you were poor with would be amended.


  • v. to slap or cuff, to drive or force with blows, to force one's way with difficulty
  • n. a slap, blow
  • Synonyms: sock, thump, pummel, toss about
  • Antonyms: lose, pull, tap
  • Sentence: During lunch time, we always go to the buffet that is in the school to have food.


  • great confusion, disorder
  • Synonyms: anarchy, turmoil
  • Antonyms: order, regularity, tranquillity
  • Sentence: According to the mythology, the world was in chaos before the God created it.
Photo by Peter Ras


  • roomy, spacious
  • Synonyms: comfortable, ample, capacious
  • Antonyms: cramped, claustrophobic, insufficient
  • Sentence: The new room for me is pretty commodious.


  • eating away gradually, acid-like, bitterly sarcastic
  • Synonyms: caustic, mordant, acidulous, spiiteful
  • Antonyms: bland, mild, benign, amiable
  • Sentence: While we did the experiment, the teacher told us to stay away from that concentrated acid because they are corrosive.
Photo by d_pham


  • to see clearly, recognize
  • Synonyms: perceive, detect, distinguish
  • Antonyms: overlook
  • Sentence: a The archaeologists found some new antique, and they are trying to discern each of them.


  • still existing; not exterminated, destroyed, or lost
  • Synonyms: surviving, in existnce
  • Antonyms: extinct, vanished
  • Sentence: The police told the report that the fingerprint is the only extant evidence that they could find in the alibi.


  • to involve in; to connect with or be related to
  • Synonyms: incriminate, entangle
  • Antonyms: absolve, exculpate
  • Sentence: For the Paris disaster, not only Paris people are involved in, but also everyone's heart are implicated.


  • to bury, commit to the earth; to consign to oblivion
  • Synontms: entomb, plant, inhume
  • Antonyms: unearth, exhume
  • Sentence: These two people in the picture were trying to inter their treasure in order to protect them.


  • A strict disciplinarian; a sticker for the rules
  • Synonyms: taskmaster, slave driver
  • Antonyms:ommonalty, employee, follower, pawn,retinue, slavery
  • Sentence: All the soldiers are martinet so that the military would be invulnerable.


  • To anticipate and prevent; to remove, dispose of
  • Synonyms: preclude, forestall, ward off
  • Antonyms: support, assist, aid
  • Sentence: The sign on the picture is used to obviate the bike to go into this road.


  • One who leaves a group; a deserter, outlaw; traitorous; unconventional, unorthodox
  • Synonyms: turncoat, heretic
  • Antonyms: loyalist, patriot
  • Sentence: All the renegades are killed in the history because they were not loyalty.


  • Deserving blame or punishment
  • Synonyms: objectionable, culpable
  • Antonyms: commendable, blameless
  • Sentence: To park the car everywhere is reprehensible because it may block the ways.


  • Dark, gloomy; depressed or melancholy in spirit
  • Synonyms: mournful, dismal
  • Antonyms: bright, sunny
  • Sentence: After the couple break out, 2 people would always be somber and would't want to eat.
Photo by J. Star


  • Filthy, wretched, debased
  • Synonyms: dingy, sordid, foul
  • Antonyms: neat, spruce, exalted
  • Sentence: The restaurant that I went last night was squalid, so I don't want to go there anymore.
Photo by Alan Stanton


  • Disorderly, stormy, violent
  • Synonyms: tumultuous, unruly, agitated
  • Antonyms: calm, placid, tranquil, still
  • Sentence: After the police killed 2 innocent people, the city became turbulent because they all want to get justice for that 2 people.


  • Loud and noisy; compelling attention
  • Synonyms: clamorous, uproarious
  • Antonyms: quiet, soft-spoken
  • Sentence: When the Warrior got the championship of 2016, all the fans were vociferous in order to celebrate.


  • great size , numerous
  • Synonyms: bulky, massive
  • Antonyms: scant, meager
  • Sentence: Voluminous of people were in the parade team, they all wanted the government to give them a peaceful city.


  • To do without, give up voluntarily; to put off temporarily,defer
  • Synonyms: decline, relinquish, forgo
  • Antonyms: claim, accept
  • Sentence: When the company went bankrupt, the building would always be waived.