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Vocab unit 8

Published on Nov 21, 2015

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  • (N.) a pledge; freedom from doubt, self cofidence
  • Synonym- promise, surness, poise, self posessiom
  • Antonym- uncertainly, doubt, insecurity
  • I was reassured when my mom told me she planned everything for a party.


  • (N.) an institution for the care of children, elderly, etc. place of safety
  • Synonyms- sanatorium, sanctuary
  • The grandfather was livid when his daughter put him to the safiest assylum she could find.


  • (V.) to comfort; (N.) the keyboard of the organ; a control panel for an elictrical or mechanical device
  • Synonyms- solace, alliviate
  • Antonyms- distress, aggravate, bother, vex, torment
  • The therapist tried to console Eric when his father died.


  • (V.) to become larger or wider; to expand upon
  • Synonyms- enlarge, expand, prolong
  • Antonyms- compress, contrast
  • The flashlight made my eyes dilate.


  • (N.) refuse, waste products
  • Synonyms- trash, detritus, dregs, scum
  • The dross of the oil spill still hasn't cleaned up.


  • (V.) to lessen; diminshed
  • Synonyms- decrease, shrink, fade, peter out
  • Antonyms- increase, enlarge, swell, proliferate
  • His talents at basketball dwindled after he turned 30.


  • (Adj.) lacking in seriouness; disrespectful, saucy
  • Synonyms- frivilous, impudent, impertinent, Insolent
  • Antonyms- serious, respectful, deferential, Obseqous
  • I found Ron being flippant when he was telling jokes at his uncle's funeral.


  • (N.) resistance to disease; freedom from some charge or obligation
  • Synonyms- exemption
  • Antonyms- vulnerability, exposure
  • Flu shots help you become immune to the influenza virus.


  • (V.) to established, set up; (N.) organization that promotes learning.
  • Synonyms- found, bring about, academy
  • Antonyms- terminate, discontinue, demolish, raze
  • When Mrs. hogan came back she instituted a new set of rules.


  • (N.) a debt, something disadvantageous
  • Synonyms- difficulty, impediment
  • Antonyms- advantage assets
  • My sister was a liability when she tagged along for the movies.


  • (Adj.) ridiculous, sensless
  • Synonyms- nonsensical, absurd, incredible
  • Antonyms- sensible, reasonable, realistic
  • Early people had a preposterous idea that the earth was flat.


  • (Adj.) quarrelsome, fond of fighting
  • Synonyms- combative, belligerent
  • Antonyms- peace-loving, friendly, amicable, congial
  • After the fight at the Super Bowl many people found seahawk players pugnacious


  • (Adj.) furious, violently intense, unreasonably extreme; mad; infected with rabies
  • Synonyms- zealous, raving, infuriated, berserk
  • Antonyms- moderate, blasé, indifferent
  • The rabid dog was put to sleep because he terrorized the neighborhood.


  • (N.) a kingdom;'a region or field of study
  • Synonyms- domain, duchy, bailiwick, jurisdiction
  • King Charles said "Any unwelcome guest that enters my realm shall be beheaded.".


  • (V.) to make young again; to make like new
  • Synonym- renew
  • Antonyms- wear out, exhaust, enervate, debilitate
  • Her face mask is helping her rejuvanate her skin.


  • (V.) to reward, pay, reimburse
  • Synonyms- satisfy, profit, benefit
  • My friend remunerated me for paying for lunch.


  • (adj.) meager, scant; scattered
  • Synonyms- thin, scanty, few and far between
  • Antonyms- plentiful, abundant, profuse, teeming
  • There is a sparse amount of comforters, so many of you to share.


  • (adj.) genuine, excellent; made of silver of standard fitness.
  • Synonyms- first-rate, outstanding, worthy, pure
  • Antonyms- shoddy, second-rate, sham
  • His sterling attitude attracted all of the girls around the town.


  • (V.) A risky or daring undertaking; (V.) to expose to danger; dare
  • Synonyms- gamble, try, chance, undertake
  • Antonyms- withdraw, retire, shrink from, shy away
  • The young man decided to venture out and jump of a huge snowbank.


  • (V.) to twist out of shape (N.) an abnormally
  • Synonyms- bend, distort, misshape irregularities
  • Antonyms- straighten, unbend, rectify
  • The worp of his spine worried the doctors.