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Published on Nov 21, 2015

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Photo by steve_lynx

Convince -verb

To make someone believe or do something
Photo by an agent

Convince = convencer

Photo by uteart

Examples with convince:

No student has ever been able to convince Ms. Gloria to let the class get out of line order.

The classes used their good behavior to convince Ms. Gloria that they deserved to watch a movie during Thanksgiving lunch.

Yes or No

Photo by hang_in_there

Convince -yes or no?

Could your best friend convince you to ride the scariest roller coaster at Six Flags?

Photo by trustypics

Convince - yes or no?

Would you like to convince your teacher to give you homework seven nights a week?

Photo by ** RCB **

Think of a time that you were able to convince a parent to believe or do something you wanted.

Tell your partner how you convinced your parent.


The huge smile on my face was enough to convince my mom to adopt Casper when I first saw him at the shelter.

Photo by Kacper Gunia

On page 9 of your writing notebook - write a sentence with the word convince. Make your sentence 7 words or more.