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Vocabulary: Island Of The Blue Dolphins

Published on Sep 03, 2020

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  • Definition(s):1:a conference between opposing sides in a dispute, especially a discussion of terms for an armistice 2:hold a conference with the opposing side to discuss terms
  • Part of Speech:noun/verb
Photo by manhhai


  • Definition(s):bring or come to an end
  • Part of Speech:verb


  • Definition(s):1:a person or animal with whom one spends a lot of time or with whom one travels 2:one of a pair of things intended to complement or match each other
  • Part of Speech:noun/verb


  • Definition(s):1:surround or close off on all sides 2:place (something) in an envelope together with a letter
  • Part of Speech:verb
Photo by Genista


  • Definition(s):1:seize and hold firmly 2:a firm hold or grip
  • Part of Speech:noun/verb
Photo by dsearls


  • Definition(s):1:keep from sight; hide 2:keep (something) secret; prevent from being known or noticed
  • Part of Speech:verb
Photo by erica steeves


  • Definition(s):1:overtake (a competitor in a race) to become one or more laps ahead 2:enfold or swathe a person or thing, especially a part of the body, in (something soft)
  • Part of Speech:verb
Photo by daveynin


  • Definition(s):a person who intrudes, especially into a building with criminal inten
  • Part of Speech:noun


  • Definition(s):a deep, narrow gorge with steep sides
  • Part of Speech:noun


  • Definition(s):1:a financial gain, especially the difference between the amount earned and the amount spent in buying, operating, or producing something 2:obtain a financial advantage or benefit, especially from an investment
  • Part of Speech:noun/verb


  • Definition(s):untidily scattered
  • Part of Speech:adjective
Photo by skittledog


  • Definition(s):1:attack (someone) by repeatedly hurling things at them 2:an act of hurling something at someone
  • Part of Speech:verb/noun
Photo by NJNL


  • Definition(s):1:a small sheltered bay 2:provide (a room, ceiling, etc.) with a cove
  • Part of Speech:noun/verb
Photo by MuFei Xu


  • Definition(s):(of a person or their manner) serious and unrelenting, especially in the assertion of authority and exercise of discipline
  • Part of Speech:adjective


  • Definition(s):1:please (someone) greatly 2:great pleasure
  • Part of Speech:noun/verb


  • Definition(s):an event causing great suffering, destruction, and distress, such as a serious accident, crime, or natural catastrophe
  • Part of Speech:noun
Photo by Johnath


  • Definition(s):1:throw in various random directions 2:a small, dispersed amount of something
  • Part of Speech:noun/verb
Photo by taylor.a


  • Definition(s):1:a sudden powerful forward or upward movement, especially by a crowd or by a natural force such as the waves or tide 2:(of a crowd or a natural force) move suddenly and powerfully forward or upward
  • Part of Speech:noun/verb
Photo by Philipp Deus


  • Definition(s):1:a collection of people, countries, or groups that combine for a particular purpose, typically mutual protection or cooperation 2:join in a league or alliance
  • Part of Speech:noun/verb


  • Definition(s):an edible mollusk of warm seas, with a shallow ear-shaped shell lined with mother-of-pearl and pierced with a line of respiratory holes
  • Part of Speech:noun


  • Definition(s):a gallinaceous bird kept for its eggs and flesh; a rooster or hen
  • Part of Speech:noun
Photo by Georg Bommeli


  • Definition(s):suffer death, typically in a violent, sudden, or untimely way
  • Part of Speech:verb


  • Definition(s):1:avoid or neglect (a duty or responsibility) 2:a person who shirks
  • Part of Speech:noun/verb


  • Definition(s):1:an official order issued by a legal authority 2:order (something) by decree
  • Part of Speech:noun/verb
Photo by Tony Webster


  • Definition(s):1:a length of cloth or an enveloping garment in which a dead person is wrapped for burial 2:wrap or dress (a body) in a shroud for burial
  • Part of Speech:noun/verb


  • Definition(s):1:(of an object) strong and thick 2:a kind of strong, dark beer brewed with roasted malt or barley
  • Part of Speech:adjective/noun


  • Definition(s):think about (something) carefully, especially before making a decision or reaching a conclusion
  • Part of Speech:verb
Photo by Albert Dera


  • Definition(s):a mound or ridge of sand or other loose sediment formed by the wind, especially on the sea coast or in a desert
  • Part of Speech:noun
Photo by alex1derr


  • Definition(s):catch up with and pass while traveling in the same direction
  • Part of Speech:verb
Photo by Nick Bramhall


  • Definition(s):1:remonstrate with or rebuke (someone) angrily 2:a person, in particular a woman, who nags or grumbles constantly
  • Part of Speech:noun/verb
Photo by CircaSassy


  • Definition(s):walk with long, decisive steps in a specified direction
  • Part of Speech:verb
Photo by Ed Yourdon


  • Definition(s):a small pointed tool used for piercing holes, especially in leather
  • Part of Speech:noun


  • Definition(s):having or showing an excessively high opinion of one's appearance, abilities, or worth
  • Part of Speech:adjective
Photo by Ed Yourdon


  • Definition(s):a tall upright post, spar, or other structure on a ship or boat, in sailing vessels generally carrying a sail or sails
  • Part of Speech:noun
Photo by Billy Cox


  • Definition(s):pitifully sad and abandoned or lonely
  • Part of Speech:adjective
Photo by Not So Dusty


  • Definition(s):make a gesture with the hand, arm, or head to encourage someone to come nearer or follow
  • Part of Speech:verb
Photo by sniggie


  • Definition(s):succeed in dealing with (a problem or difficulty)
  • Part of Speech:verb


  • Definition(s):1:(of a person or small animal) move hurriedly with short quick steps 2:a situation of hurried and confused movement
  • Part of Speech:noun/verb
Photo by DaPuglet


  • Definition(s):a wild animal's resting place, especially one that is well hidden
  • Part of Speech:noun
Photo by karlequin


  • Definition(s):1:(of an animal such as a dog) make an aggressive growl with bared teeth 2:an act or sound of snarling
  • Part of Speech:verb/noun
Photo by bthomso


  • Definition(s):1:(of an army) withdraw from enemy forces as a result of their superior power or after a defeat 2:an act of moving back or withdrawing
  • Part of Speech:noun/verb


  • Definition(s):prevent from growing or developing properly
  • Part of Speech:verb
Photo by Thomas Millot


  • Definition(s):refuse to allow (something)
  • Part of Speech:verb


  • Definition(s):a narrow opening or fissure, especially in a rock or wall
  • Part of Speech:noun
Photo by Dean Hochman


  • Definition(s):a small ornament or item of jewelry that is of little value
  • Part of Speech:noun
Photo by Kayla Maurais


  • Word: ledge
  • Definition(s):
  • Part of Speech: noun
Photo by nathanryan


  • Definition(s):(of something bad) happen to someone
  • Part of Speech:verb
Photo by jeri leandera


  • Definition(s):an event regarded as a portent of good or evil
  • Part of Speech:noun
Photo by gilest


  • Definition(s):1:(of something restrictive or too tight) make (a part of the body) sore by rubbing against it 2:wear or damage caused by rubbing
  • Part of Speech:noun/verb
Photo by Chriest


  • Definition(s):1:(of a liquid) flow or leak slowly through porous material or small holes 2:a place where petroleum or water oozes slowly out of the ground
  • Part of Speech:noun/verb


  • Definition(s): a large snake
  • Part of Speech: noun
Photo by Steve Clancy


  • Definition(s): (of a noise) so loud as to make it impossible to hear anything else
  • Part of Speech: adjective
Photo by Daniel Abadia


  • Definition(s):(of water) slightly salty, as is the mixture of river water and seawater in estuaries
  • Part of Speech: adjective
Photo by Nico Nelson


  • Definition(s):1: a loud and confused noise, especially that of people shouting vehemently 2: (of a group of people) shout loudly and insistently
  • Part of Speech: noun/verb


  • Definition(s):1:a place on the coast where vessels may find shelter, especially one protected from rough water by piers, jetties, and other artificial structures 2:
  • Part of Speech: noun/verb


  • Definition(s): find out how heavy (someone or something) is, typically using scales
  • Part of Speech: verb
Photo by Lee Bennett


  • Definition(s):a thin liquid food of oatmeal or other meal boiled in milk or water
  • Part of Speech: noun
Photo by matsuyuki


  • Definition(s):1:a playing field 2:throw (the ball) for the batter to try to hit
  • Part of Speech: noun/verb
Photo by richcamach


  • Definition(s):a traditional story sometimes popularly regarded as historical but unauthenticated
  • Part of Speech: noun


  • Definition(s):an implement, container, or other article, especially for household use
  • Part of Speech: noun


  • Definition(s):1:fixed or fastened so as not to give way, become loose, or be lost 2:fix or attach (something) firmly so that it cannot be moved or lost
  • Part of Speech:adjective/verb
Photo by John Salvino


  • Definition(s):bite at or nibble something persistently
  • Part of Speech:verb


  • Definition(s):1:put or keep out of sight; conceal from the view or notice of others 2:a camouflaged shelter used to get a close view of wildlife
  • Part of Speech:noun/verb


  • Definition(s):1:follow (someone or something) in order to catch or attack them 2:(of a person or way) continue or proceed along (a path or route)
  • Part of Speech:verb
Photo by Chris Unger


  • Definition(s):(of a sharp pointed object) go into or through (something)
  • Part of Speech:verb
Photo by arbyreed


  • Definition(s):a large rock, typically one that has been worn smooth by erosion
  • Part of Speech:noun
Photo by Tommy Lisbin


  • Definition(s):1:(of a person or animal) emit a deep loud roar, typically in pain or anger 2:a deep roaring shout or sound
  • Part of Speech: noun/verb


  • Definition(s):a roundish and flattish part of something, typically each of two or more such parts divided by a fissure, and often projecting or hanging
  • Part of Speech:noun


  • Definition(s):any plant with leaves, seeds, or flowers used for flavoring, food, medicine, or perfume
  • Part of Speech:noun
Photo by Angèle Kamp


  • Definition(s):a bowl for washing, typically attached to a wall and having faucets connected to a water supply; a washbasin
  • Part of Speech:noun
Photo by JT Ray


  • Definition(s):1:the main stem of a herbaceous plant 2:pursue or approach stealthily
  • Part of Speech:noun/verb
Photo by Ian Sane


  • Definition(s):1:cease to support or look after (someone); desert 2:complete lack of inhibition or restraint
  • Part of Speech:noun/verb
Photo by dfbphotos


  • Definition(s):a narrow piece of land that projects from a coastline into the sea
  • Part of Speech:noun
Photo by Alec Favale


  • Definition(s):a long, thin, flat piece of timber, used especially in building and flooring
  • Part of Speech:noun


  • Definition(s):1:the projecting part of the face, including the nose and mouth, of an animal such as a dog or horse 2:put a muzzle on (an animal)
  • Part of Speech:noun/verb
Photo by __ drz __


  • Definition(s):1:tempt (a person or animal) to do something or to go somewhere, especially by offering some form of reward 2:something that tempts or is used to tempt a person or animal to do something
  • Part of Speech:noun/verb


  • Definition(s):cautiously; carefully
  • Part of Speech:adverb


  • Definition(s):1:shine with a soft tremulous light 2:a soft, slightly wavering light
  • Part of Speech:noun/verb


  • Definition(s):having rough, sharp points protruding
  • Part of Speech:adjective
Photo by timJ


  • Definition(s):a person, typically one more remote than a grandparent, from whom one is descended
  • Part of Speech:noun
Photo by Xevi V


  • Definition(s):1:go or move quickly and lightly over or on a surface or through the air 2:a thin layer of a substance on the surface of a liquid
  • Part of Speech:noun/verb
Photo by Andy Morffew


  • Definition(s):1:walk or move in a leisurely, casual, or aimless way 2:an act or instance of wandering
  • Part of Speech:noun/verb


  • Definition(s):favored by or involving good luck or fortune; lucky
  • Part of Speech:adjective


  • Definition(s):1:having a sensation of whirling and a tendency to fall or stagger; dizzy 2:make (someone) feel excited to the point of disorientation
  • Part of Speech:adjective/verb


  • Definition(s):having an ample distance from side to side; wide
  • Part of Speech:adjective


  • Definition(s):a circular band, typically one made of precious metal, worn on the head as an ornament
  • Part of Speech:noun
Photo by HorsePunchKid


  • Definition(s):1:a movement of part of the body, especially a hand or the head, to express an idea or meaning 2:make a gesture
  • Part of Speech:noun/verb
Photo by jinterwas


  • Definition(s):(of a place) empty of people
  • Part of Speech:adjective
Photo by Rita Morais


  • Definition(s):1:talk rapidly or incessantly about trivial matters 2:incessant trivial talk
  • Part of Speech:noun/verb
Photo by PeterThoeny


  • Definition(s):the throwing back by a body or surface of light, heat, or sound without absorbing it
  • Part of Speech:noun
Photo by Trey Ratcliff


  • Definition(s):experience or be subjected to (something bad or unpleasant)
  • Part of Speech:verb


  • Definition(s):1:repair (something that is broken or damaged) 2:a repair in a material
  • Part of Speech:noun/verb
Photo by Dvortygirl


  • Definition(s):1:extract (metal) from its ore by a process involving heating and melting 2:a small silvery fish which lives in both marine and fresh water and is sometimes fished commercially
  • Part of Speech:noun/verb


  • Definition(s):full of or expressing reproach or censure: a reproachful look
  • Part of Speech:adjective


  • Definition(s):a young bird that has just fledged
  • Part of Speech:noun
Photo by Linda Gail.


  • Definition(s):covered or marked with a large number of small spots or patches of color
  • Part of Speech:adjective


  • Definition(s):1:not often; rarely 2:not common; infrequent
  • Part of Speech:adverb/adjective


  • Definition(s):move or balance unsteadily; sway back and forth
  • Part of Speech:verb


  • Definition(s):1:walk in an awkward way, typically because of pain from an injury 2:an awkward way of walking, typically due to pain from an injury
  • Part of Speech:noun/verb


  • Definition(s):1:required to be done, achieved, or present; needed; essential 2:the basic requirements of life, such as food and warmth
  • Part of Speech:noun/adjective


  • Definition(s):1:a small stone made smooth and round by the action of water or sand 2:(of an eyeglass lens) very thick and convex
  • Part of Speech:noun/adjective


  • Definition(s):1:each of the four divisions of the year (spring, summer, autumn, and winter) marked by particular weather patterns and daylight hours, resulting from the earth's changing position with regard to the sun 2:add salt, herbs, pepper, or other spices to (food)
  • Part of Speech:noun/verb
Photo by sgs_1019


  • Definition(s):1:try earnestly or persistently to persuade (someone) to do something 2:a strong desire or impulse
  • Part of Speech:noun/verb
Photo by Navaneeth K N


  • Definition(s):1:come together; assemble or accumulate 2:a part of a garment that is gathered or drawn in
  • Part of Speech:noun/verb


  • Definition(s):having or showing grace or elegance
  • Part of Speech:adjective


  • Definition(s):1:a trap for catching birds or animals, typically one having a noose of wire or cord 2:catch (a bird or mammal) in a snare
  • Part of Speech:noun/verb
Photo by Ben Grader


  • Definition(s):a person who steals another person's property, especially by stealth and without using force or violence
  • Part of Speech:noun


  • Definition(s):marked with a notch or notches
  • Part of Speech:adjective
Photo by monteregina


  • Definition(s):1:(of a light, color, or illuminated object) not shining brightly or clearly 2:make or become less bright or distinct
  • Part of Speech:adjective/verb
Photo by InnerCore


  • Definition(s):1:adopt a position where the knees are bent and the upper body is brought forward and down, sometimes to avoid detection or to defend oneself 2: a crouching stance or posture
  • Part of Speech:verb/noun


  • Definition(s):1:shine brightly, especially with reflected light 2: a faint or brief light, especially one reflected from something
  • Part of Speech:verb/noun
Photo by Hao Zhang


  • Definition(s):defeat thoroughly
  • Part of Speech:verb


  • Definition(s):1:make a continuous deep, resonant sound 2:a continuous deep, resonant sound like distant thunder
  • Part of Speech:verb/noun


  • Definition(s):1:walk with effort through water or another liquid or viscous substance 2:an act of wading
  • Part of Speech:verb/noun


  • Definition(s):1:physical harm caused to something in such a way as to impair its value, usefulness, or normal function 2:inflict physical harm on (something) so as to impair its value, usefulness, or normal function
  • Part of Speech:noun/verb
Photo by martinluff


  • Definition(s):be quick to do something
  • Part of Speech:verb


  • Definition(s):1:work, especially hard physical work 2:work hard; make great effort
  • Part of Speech:noun/verb


  • Definition(s):causing or feeling anxiety; troubled or uncomfortable
  • Part of Speech:adjective
Photo by ~Oryctes~


  • Definition(s):1:an ordained minister of the Catholic, Orthodox, or Anglican Church having the authority to perform certain rites and administer certain sacraments 2:ordain to the priesthood
  • Part of Speech:noun/verb
Photo by Z I


  • Definition(s):1:a thing used to make something look more attractive but usually having no practical purpose, especially a small object such as a figurine 2:make (something) look more attractive by adding decorative items
  • Part of Speech:noun/verb
Photo by JD Hancock


  • Definition(s):a mound or ridge of sand or other loose sediment formed by the wind, especially on the sea coast or in a desert
  • Part of Speech:noun
Photo by D-Stanley


  • Definition(s):an outer garment covering the body from the waist to the ankles, with a separate part for each leg
  • Part of Speech:noun