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vocabulary unit 1

Published on Dec 09, 2015

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vocabulary unit 1

Alexis Cardenas p.6
Photo by mtstradling


an intellectual revolution which included human reason, science, and religious toleration

Separation of Powers

a principle where responsibilities and powers are divided among three separate branches
Photo by wbeem

French and Indian War

7 yr. war between England and the American colonies against the French and Indians of N. America

Sons of Liberty

secret patriotic society that opposed the Stamp Act

American Revolution

war between Great Britain and its American colonies which ended with the colonies winning their independence
Photo by freefotouk

Declaration of Independence

the document which declared the Colonies to be free and independent of England
Photo by afagen

Natural Rights

are described by John Locke as a right to life, liberty, and property

Articles of Confederation

document which was ratified before the constitution and did not provide enough power to the govt.

Great Compromise

an agreement between large and small states to each have a repersentative


a supporter of a federal union between the American colonies after the Revolution


a person who opposed the adoption of the US Constitution


the distribution of power in a system of government

Bill of Rights

the first ten amendments to the Constitution guaranteeing freedom of speech,assembly, and worship 

Free Exercise Clause

a clause of the first amendment which states congress can not prohibit the free exercise of religion

Establishment Clause

a clause stating that Congress will not make a law respecting an establishment of religion
Photo by JasonTromm

Judicial Review

a courts authority to examine and executive or legislative act and decide whether it is constitutional

Louisiana Purchase

a land deal between the U.S. and France where the U.S. acquired land west of the Mississippi river for $15 mil
Photo by nixter

Monroe Doctrine

a U.S. foreign policy regarding the domination of the American continent
Photo by kevin dooley

Trail of Tears

the relocation of Native Americans to Oklahoma where 4,000 died during the journey
Photo by Puzzler4879


members of the Church who after being harassed for being polygamous relocated to Utah
Photo by Joe Parks

Manifest Destiny

idea that the U.S. must expand its boundaries to the Pacific Ocean
Photo by Zepfanman.com

Second Great Awakening

a religious revival which brought new movements such as temperance, abolition, and women's rights
Photo by david_fisher


ban of slavery
Photo by MsSaraKelly

Emancipation Proclamation

a public statement freeing all enslaved people in the states of war


occurred after the Civil War where the government allowed the rebellious southern states back into the union
Photo by fung.leo

13th Amendment

amendment which completely outlawed slavery in the U.S. freeing all enslaved people

14th Amendment

granted citizenship to former slaves who were recently freed
Photo by Wonderlane

15th Amendment

declared the right to vote regardless of race
Photo by Vox Efx

Freedom's Bureau

an agency congress established to help war refugees
Photo by manhhai

Poll Taxes

one tactic used to disenfranchise African Americans in the south

Jim Crow

laws enforcing racial segregation in the southern U.S.

Lord Baltimore

founded Maryland as a place of refuge for Catholics
Photo by mindgutter

John Locke

believed people were born with natural rights like the right to life, liberty, and property
Photo by swanksalot

Thomas Jefferson

author of the Declaration of Independence and the 3rd president

James Madison

main author of the Constitution and the 4th president
Photo by DonkeyHotey

John Marshall

the fourth chief Justice of the Supreme Court who helped lay the basis for the Constitutional law
Photo by afagen

Harriet Tubman

escaped slavery only to return to the south countless times to help free other slaves
Photo by eriksens

Abraham Lincoln

the 16th president who helped end slavery in America

Dred Scott v Stanford

when the supreme court ruled African Americans could not sue in federal court
Photo by Jason OX4

Plessy v Ferguson

a case where it was legal to require racial segregation and the courts requirenment became known as "separate but equal"
Photo by Infrogmation