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Vocabulary Unit 5

Published on Feb 05, 2016

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  • Noun
  • Synonyms: attachment, rider, extension, postscript
  • Antonym: omission
  • The man made sure his client knew when he added an addendum to the contract.


  • Adjective
  • Synonyms: shocked, horrified, stupified
  • Antonyms: delighted, overjoyed, unmoved
  • He looked aghast when I declared that I got the lead role.


  • Adjective
  • Synonyms: sufficient, adequate, considerable
  • Antonyms: insufficient, inadequate
  • They were positive that the room provided ample space for the desks.


  • Noun
  • Synonyms: phantom, specter, spirit
  • Antonym: corporeal being
  • In the dimly lit tunnel, she was the only witness to the apparition that emerged
  • from the shadows.
Photo by i k o


  • Verb
  • Synonyms: affirm, avow, pronounce
  • Every Mass, we assert our beliefs in the Profession of Faith.


  • Verb
  • Synonyms: wince, flinch, cringe
  • Antonym: stand up to
  • Every time I suggest a ride on a rollercoaster, he always loses his nerve and
  • cowers in the corner until I leave him alone.


  • Verb/Noun
  • Synonyms: (v.) spurn, reject
  • Antonyms: (v.) revere, venerate, esteem, respect
  • The man looked with disdain at the children who were yelling and laughing.


  • Noun
  • Synonym: tombstone inscription
  • Upon her gravestone lies an epitaph describing her view on life.


  • Adjective
  • Synonyms: upright, virtuous, honorable
  • Antonyms: immoral, unscrupulous, dishonest
  • As they fought for their rights, they strived to remain ethical in their actions.


  • Adjective
  • Synonyms: comical, witty, tongue-in-cheek
  • Antonyms: serious, humorless
  • When she came out to greet me in that facetious outfit, I didn't know whether
  • to laugh at her frivolity or groan.
Photo by B.Riordan.


  • Adjective
  • Synonyms: faint, indistinct, muted
  • Antonyms: audible, perceptible, easily heard
  • Despite the technology crew's best efforts, the music remained inaudible.


  • Adjective
  • Synonyms: haphazard, random, uncritical, unpredictable
  • Antonyms: selective, discriminating, judicious
  • To make the world a better place, we should be indiscriminate and aware of
  • everyone's feelings.


  • Noun/Verb
  • Synonyms: (n.) scheme, plot, conspiracy; (v.) mystify
  • Antonym: (n.) fair play
  • You must admit, mystery novels intrigue you; I see the gleam in your eyes whenever
  • they are mentioned.
Photo by Ismar Badzic


  • Noun
  • Synonyms: purview, supervision, authorization
  • The judge has the jurisdiction to convict or free a person accused of crime.


  • Adjective
  • Synonyms: believable, probable
  • Antonyms: unbelievable, improbable, unlikely, far-fetched
  • He insisted on taking precautions for things that would never seem plausible.
Photo by bloodless


  • Adjective/Noun
  • Synonyms: (adj.) lowborn, proletarian, coarse, unrefined
  • Antonyms: (adj.) aristocratic, refined, cultivated
  • In old days, plebeians often dressed simply and worked hard.


  • Adjective/Noun
  • Synonyms: (adj.) improvident; (n.) spendthrift, wastrel, squanderer
  • Antonyms: (adj.) frugal, econmical, stingy, miserly, thrifty
  • A popular parable is of a prodigal son who returns to his father begging to
  • be forgiven for his mindless waste of his inheritance.


  • Noun
  • Antonyms: distance, remoteness
  • No one was allowed to be in the proximity of the building while it was being torn down.


  • Verb
  • Synonyms: compress, demolish, crush
  • Some cooks use a mortar and pestle to pulverize herbs for their dish.
Photo by JPC24M


  • Adjective
  • Synonyms: unstable, erratic
  • Antonyms: stable, steady, static, inert, dormant
  • There are some volcanoes in Hawaii that are volatile and explode in a
  • magnificent display of fire and ash.